@DarthViper Umm, why? Serious question here and I am a white Republican male. Why do we need to wake up and why do we need to care. We have f'd over the American people for the last 250 years, maybe we should go quietly into that good night and let racism become a thing of the past.
@WrenArcher While I understand your position and even agree with you, for the most part, please remember that the reason Chump won was more about voter apathy. Chump retained the MAGAt minority with nearly the same vote total as 2020, but over 1/3 of the US eligible voters chose not to vote at all. That is the real reason the orange shit-gibbon won.
@BeAware In a recent interview she claimed that she was not aware of the whole situation and then when she was made aware of it, she stopped seeing or interacting with Masterson...
@FlashMobOfOne Are you sure it is locking up? I ask because I have had extremely long pauses early on the shrink / move phase. In some tools they load the partition maps and file maps and process them in memory, which looks like pauses or lockups... Maybe you are running into somethin like that?
@tob@root42@Tattooed_Mummy I am not so sure about that. 30 years ago Eliza was about the best you could get for "therapy" chat bots, now there are things like Replika, Elomia, Mindspa, etc. We have come a long ways in the last 30 years. Note that I am not saying good, just that we have come a long way.
No one is claiming they are sentient or that it understands what it is say, but the fact is that LLM systems are our-scoring humans on various collegiate tests, they are diagnosing diseases that medical professionals are missing.
@VATVSLPR@sundogplanets@bmacDonald94 They are referring specifically to the radio communication between US ground stations and satellites... Not the satellites themselves.
@GottaLaff Generally recalls for Tesla is just an over the air software update. This is vastly different than most automakers where a recall actually requires you to take your vehicle to a service center where they will remove a part and put a new one in.
@thomasfuchs@taylorlorenz Not tryin to be that guy, but you are not their target audience. From what I can tell, their brand is really all about the "influencers", which means every wannabe "influencer" and media socialite will flock to it... And since it is tied to their existing IG accounts there is really no new "cost" associated with it.