@Umlaut Too fat, too old, too lazy, and most of all he realized he wrote himself into a corner. He can't bring the thing to a satisfying conclusion without betraying his initial vision. You can't really make a story people will end up being happy with if you're a perverted, bitter materialist with a hate boner for Christianity and Tolkien.
He set out to make a story that refuted ideas like honor, bravery, objective good and evil, a story with "real" politics and "real" people, where the only thing is power and people striving for it. The result was a story about awful people doing awful things, where everyone dies or is fucked over, but people stupid enough to try and be honorable die and are fucked first and hardest. No karma, no real justice, no possibility of grace. You can't make and conclude a fantasy story where all the characters are shitty people and no one pays for being shitty in a way that makes the reader happy with it. Fantasy readers want adventure and wonder and drama, sure, but they also either want a hero, or at least see the bad guy pay for being bad.
I think Rape Rape Martin realized this by the time he finished the last book he wrote, and it was really driven home by seeing what the TV people did with the story. His world only has villains and fools, both of whom drown in blood, and you can't end on a satisfying note with those.
@grey A career in "foreign development" means he helped corrupt foreign officials obtain US taxpayer money our corrupt politicians showered across the world so it so some of it could be funneled back to them or their friends. The man is little better than a jumped up pimp or money launderer. My sympathy, like my fucks, are completely exhausted.
@Jonny Every tweaker is on his way to the nearest Home Depot with a smartphone and ICE on speed dial as we speak. Snitching on illegals is a lot safer and easier hustle than identity theft and check fraud.
@ThatWouldBeTelling@Honkers The scale of an antifag riot depends largely on funding from rich Team A players. The level of such riots, whether on Inauguration day or later in Trump's term, will be a useful metric with which to measure the system's level of active resistance to the Big Orange Goof.
I suspect there will be only a relatively few diehard antifags out that day. Most of the money men seem to be laying low right now, or even playing ball.
@KarlDahl@sickburnbro@Jens_Rasmussen Never, ever talk to a journalist. They never want "your side of the story." A journalist only ever wants to talk to you so that, at best, you can give them a quote that bolsters the story they have already written, a story that is at odds with your interests, politics, and values Or worse, it's to get you to say something they can then use to destroy you.
If people stop talking to journalists, then these enemies of the people wither and blow away on the wind. You should no more talk to a journalist than you should gift an enemy ammunition during a shooting war.
@Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta@SmidgePierce Stick around long enough to watch HR and managers have conniption fits as their "brown people are innocent angels" and "only ever hire jeets" programming conflict with their "Nazis are the devil" programming. Then when I'm fired for laughing hysterically, I sue them for not respecting my mental disability that causes me to laugh inappropriately. Collect money, and retire to Fiji to live out the dream.
@Eiswald Man, that's a long winded, highfalutin way of saying "I really like an easily exploitable, permanent underclass of brown people brought into the country via sketchy means because I can pay them slave wages while treating them like shit; things I can't do if I employ native born citizens. In fact, I like that set up so much it doesn't really matter if my modern day slaves do horrendously substandard work. My company will make planes that fall out of the sky and computer apps that brick your phone, but as long as I can lord over a factory or office full of fawning jeets working for $9 an hour while maxing out the numbers on the reports for the next couple of quarters, I'm happy as a pig in shit."
@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare@freepatriot That's why those 40,000 white recruits are missing. Most of those guys come from long time military families; people who were proud patriots, true believers, people who took things like honor, the Constitution, and the value of service to ideals seriously. Now that all the things they and their forefathers fought for have been proven to be lies and the people they fought for proven to be evil, they've noped out.
Those corn fed Southern and Mid-West white boys made up the bulk of the actual war fighters. You can staff the support positions with disinterested people motivated by a paycheck or boredom, but the people at the tip of the spear have to be true believers. It's kind of hard to keep an empire going with little more than faithless mercenaries paid for on a near maxed out credit card.
@PopulistRight@sickburnbro A real E-verify program with stiff, mandatory penalties for not just companies that hire illegals, but for the individuals that hire them would solve probably 80% of the problem. ICE could focus on going after employers instead of illegals, which would rob the open borders crowd of powerful PR images. No more faux outrage when the news shows those meanie ICE agents leading the poor illegals workers away in cuffs, families crying. Instead there would only be images of white corporate types doing perp walks. Instead of sympathizing with the poor brown people being hassled by The Man, people would nod in satisfaction, because no one likes suits and the HR lady.
Then it you could apply the same system to housing, then cut off all the gibs to illegals. No jobs, no housing, no gibs, and they go home.
@Shadowman311 Even if they get the hardware and software to the point it can do anything the average entry level service worker can do, there's still the problem of battery capacity. What good is Rosy the Robot if it runs out of juice every 90 minutes? Imagine all the problems with charging electric vehicles, then apply that to your robot waiter. Remember how hard it is for a fire department to put out an electric car when it decides to go up in flames? Now imagine the robot short order cook at Deny's catching fire.
@Shadowman311@WashedOutGundamPilot Little town I'm in is just big enough to have a Walmart, and the non-white population is almost non-existent. I kind of miss a couple of food places from back in California, but the move was very much worth it. I had almost forgotten what it was like to not feel like an ex-pat in my own home.
@MCMLXVIIOTG@Humpleupagus I had black men on two different occasions tell me the worst thing whites did to them since the end of the Civil Rights movement was to convince them not to woop their kids.
And I quote, "You gotta beat a black kid!" Their words, not mine.