Posted by the kosher cuckservative Powerline blog, this meme is not quite as devastating as they think. And they're mostly Minnesota based, so no excuse.
Posted by the kosher cuckservative Powerline blog, this meme is not quite as devastating as they think. And they're mostly Minnesota based, so no excuse.
Preemptively pardoned traitor Mark Milley was double-plus unpersoned; this article clears up confusion I had about claimed "Stalinist" tactics after Hegseth became DoD Secretary:
"He also [in addition to pulling Milley's security detail and ordering an IG to review demoting him] removed an additional portrait of Milley from the Pentagon from his time as Army chief of staff. (An different painting of Milley from his time as chairman was removed from the Pentagon on President Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day)."
"[Democrats whine.]
"'Accountability is back,' Hegseth said about the move. 'If you actively undermine the chain of command as Gen. Milley did under the previous Trump administration, we are going to review those actions.'"
The Chief of Staff is not in the chain of command. It goes President -> Secretary of Defense -> unified combatant command(s). The latter are like the Central Command for the sandbox and the Northern Command for North America including Mexico.
(Whatever Hegseth had planned for immediately afterwords was derailed somewhat when that evening an Army Blackhawk crashed into a passenger jet, the former now confirmed by the NTSB to be flying too high for "route.")
@Honkers Do you think our ruling trash can keep Antifa et. al. from attacking the inauguration?
Do you expect "Biden" to provide adequate defenses against such attacks? Do you think he wants Trump to get off to a good, dignified state like in 2016?
A lot of us are also ... suspicious about the rally planned for the day before. I'd like to think a Nika riots denouement is out of the question, but....
This also could be trolling, JD Vance now has a world class mentor in that art.
@Arkana @sickburnbro @suquili Sony burning $400 million on Concord, the worse media failure in all of history, is a good demonstration that the first bit of your model is incomplete or just wrong.
Who are "money men" nowadays? Special cases with tight ownership, and activist investors, who's been making runs at Disney and I'm not sure who else. And Ubisoft is also in trouble, yes?
In most cases, we're talking about executives who's first priority is keeping their jobs and careers in globohomo Clown World where a work dud ... maybe not as bad as Concord, but there's plenty others, is less bad than "just want fucking white males to consume product" for games. Or normie families for most of what Disney does. And there are probably some true believers in there as well, or so I guessed about Concord.
"Guy Who Said Facebook Was Not Suppressing Free Speech Announces Facebook Will Stop Suppressing Free Speech"
There's several reasons to believe this, though:
Someone on Hacker News I think pointed out Facebook's top down, "fact checker" organization initiated censorship style was expensive. Whereas X style community notes has communities do most of the work.
Another reason that just occurred to me is that Trump should be turning off soon the government's commands to censor stuff which works in the same manner.
There's also the context in which this started, the self-originated collective guilt of the totalitarian tech Left in letting Trump win in 2016, and the particular focus on FaceBook and Cambridge Analytica. The Left went insane and was looking for scalps, and Facebook was also fined upwards of six billion dollars (!!!).
Also political, trying to dance to the tune of increasingly totalitarian European countries and their impossible demands may end up not being worth it. The Left is getting hit hard there, and lashing out as people try to hold them accountable for their genocidal sins.
What's happened recently in Syria to allow this current but not yet final collapse of the Assad regime?
From the very unreliable ZeroHedge, some credible claims:
"Below, a prominent and longtime Syrian commentator who goes by Bassem gives a quick bird's eye view explanation...:
"1) Russia got distracted with the war in Ukraine and resources diverted there.
"2) Hamas idiotically went on suicide mission in October 2023 and dragged Hizbollah into the conflict indirectly and exhausted them.
"3) Israel weakened Iran in Syria past few years.
"4) Assad did nothing to improve the lives of locals. Electricity for few hours a day, not enough fuel for daily matters, corruption, made the lives of Syrian business community hell (customs, etc), to name few.
"5) all the while opposition was rebuilding, changing their message, training, even Ukrainian intelligence came in to support them with intelligence and drone technology."
The messaging is certainly true, these apparent kinder and gentler jihadists are not (yet) doing the swagger around in black and executing random grannies on the street after a one minute "trial."
Obamacare. which is access to health insurance, not healthcare, is a lot more cunning than I'd realized:
"These people cheered Obamacare, which turned the health insurance industry into a government vassal but want people murdered for the consequences of what they supported."
@Elliptica @Pete Law professor Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds suggests an angle:
"And saying it was okay to pardon Hunter because it was a political prosecution instigated by his enemies plays right into Trump’s hands in pardoning the J6 defendants — and, for that matter, himself."
@griffith @blaaablaaaa @Eternal_Iratus @DrRyanSkelton @BowsacNoodle @Xenomorph I seem to be missing some context here.
Isn't Soyjack supposed to be horrifying, thus this Jew is angry over it? How it is bad when it's used to denounce our enemies? Or is it used for more than that?
@IAMAL_PHARIUS @_Seraphim_ Maybe.
Trump (along with many Americans) certainly has a legit beef with European/NATO spending on defense or lack thereof. Threatening to pull out of NATO based on that is entirely appropriate now, and if they reverse policy (Labour won't, Germany can't without reversing on Russian gas) that would of course have them spending more with the US military industrial complex. But its silly to blame everything on the 1950/60s MIC trope when social spending has completely overwhelmed it.
And only so much US MIC spending because they have their own, including a number of good or good enough items, and for some time a good part of the US MIC is capacity limited. There's a few other non-Combloc or former Combloc players as well, South Korea for example has state of the art artillery, good tanks, and defined a new state of the art by creating self-sharpening tungsten kinetic kill tank ammo, vs. depleted uranium like the US uses.
Another major tension is that Europe has literally declared Musk to be public enemy #2, and Trump or Team Trump has remarked that such an action based on free speech is incompatible with us staying allies.
In general, to the extent Trump can rein in the US Deep State on population repression, the distance between the US and Europe will grow to the point we truly won't be compatible for this sort of thing, absent a big bad like the Evil Empire. "Putler" just isn't credible as such.
Another big problem is that France and the U.K. especially are rapidly turning Muslim, and that's not going to fly even if you don't count AIPAC and company. I've been wondering if and when we'll start sabotaging the U.K.'s nukes when they send them to us for tritium replenishment.
@icedquinn @mia @mangeurdenuage @sun @frogzone I'm sorry??
I didn't do anything special except make a direct reply to your comment for the first posting, because it was the best jumping off point in the semi-hell thread. Maybe that also had an effect on this new subthread ... this post from you I am replying to is is well down stream of the new semi-start.
Will (try to remember to) remove you from any future posts. Qualifier because I may not return to this topic for a while.
@sun @frogzone @icedquinn @mangeurdenuage @mia "but is Linux really about to implode because of it"
Time frame is always hard to guess when you're in the first part of "gradually, then suddenly," and as a Debian stable user I don't have to care until June 2006 the earliest as long as I have a browser solution and OpenZFS compatibility isn't (deliberately) broken (that alone is a reason to look else where for me). DEFCON 2 is a deceleration of vigilance and looking for an off ramp.
That browser solution ... bleah; mine has been for some time Brave plus extra security for JavaScript etc. Which Manifest V3 is of course making a nightmare, even if Brave will continue supporting MV2 as long as is practical for them, with a particular focus on five or so most important extensions including NoScript.
First uMatrix, but that is no longer maintained because of MV3, now NoScript is a nightmare as it moves to only using MV3, but the "legacy, unsupported by Google but proven and stable" MV2 version is still available for manual install:
@frogzone @icedquinn @mia @mangeurdenuage @sun "sounds like a controlled destruction of the linux kernal underway"
Indeed. Although my DEFCON 2/1 essay about that isn't going to get written soon, needs some more evidence than what Overstreet is saying about general issues in how Linux quality is today. And I'm already sufficiently convinced, we know how this game almost always goes (but see FreeBSD pulling back from the brink of Airport's Law), and Linux is just too important and prominent a target to avoid the Eye of Soros.
And I should really have an alternative to point to. OpenBSD's toy nature for other than appliances due to its ancient filesystem has been covered, and I'm now giving FreeBSD a look.
One big correction to my impression about its health is that its moving from what was "OpenZFS" back in the day to ZFS on Linux (ZoL) was not due to FreeBSD losing manpower as I guessed but to ZoL not contributing upstream while fixing many bugs (are we surprised?). And in 2020 per Wikipedia and matching my impressions as a happy Debian bookworm ZFS user ZoL and OpenZFS were merged, taking the name of the latter.
@a1ba @remixtures Oops! My and my friend's problem in editing with Open/LibreOffice a manual that was getting bigger and bigger as they are wont to do was exactly what you experienced.
It would save successfully but then you couldn't open that file. Thus why I called it a trap, and is entirely unforgivable. Now I only use it for simple one or two page letters and never save out raw text I want to pretty print out on paper.
Not sure which was the last version of MS Office I used, but it was on XP.....
@a1ba @remixtures A take as of a decade ago trying to use LibreOffice/maybe it was OpenOffice on trailing the bleeding edge Debian (NOTE: FIXED after memory jogged by you as I did to you it would seem):
Because MS Word doesn't suddenly fail to write documents it then can't read? Because its collaboration features are much better? (That's based on an even older version of MS Word; I grant both problems might have gotten better, but the first problem was/is a dangerous trap when you're writing something big and you then have to go into recovery mode including "What did I do to make it fail???).)
A lot of us use computers to get shit down, not to make political statements.
Unfortunately that means a lot of us have or in times past have had to use Windows and Office to work with other people. That said, I'm happy I now can satisfy all my requirements using Linux (ugh) and LibreOffice.
This trick of uploading your Office data for Ai training, completely compromising customer security requirements, though, should cause a reaction like I gather happened with Adobe doing this. But I'd assume a bigger one given how many more people use Office.
@sun @mangeurdenuage "tbh I understand why people don't like him."
Turns out less than an hour ago he's still totally not getting "kernel development to put in the tree has procedures":
"Linus was completely going off there.
"There are no instances anyone can point to where I've caused regressions in other subsystems, in the course of developing bcachefs. I have had people introduce regressions into my code without following proper channels, though."
Linus cited here was some error he made somewhere for bigendian systems.
@sun @mangeurdenuage As I said, "He also apologized in the email thread...."
In more detail, he says he apologized directly and privately to the Team Memory Management guy he insulted and implicitly says that almost immediately, and then after the CoC's ban published that email. He also made at least three other apologies in the email thread before that point.
I went through the whole thing again to confirm and correct my memory, here's the receipts including some reactions to the CoC mess:
The original crime:
The first two apologies, and he claims Team CoC knows about Greg's behavior; implicitly we can see they don't care:
And that sealed his fate, no way a woman pajeet is going to accept being called out like that. In general, putting pajeets including women in positions of power over others—technically not in their jati and at or below them in caste, but that's very likely or for the former guaranteed with non-pajeets— results in utterly callous treatment.
At base, no matter how much they seem to have adapted to Western culture with its claimed universal values, I'm pretty sure they just don't view these people as human or fully human. And, yes, I've experienced this first hand several times (but I know as peers moved to the US they can be OK or better).
"I find the language used by Shuah on behalf of the Code of Conduct committee extremely patronising and passive aggressive" (and more agree in later emails)
Overstreet replying with how she's doing that: ""I'm not the one 'doing' this, I'm just implementing the policy that we all decided on, even though I totally wrote and advocated for that policy'"
MM guy's side of things:
Overstreet's reply, with another apology:
Detailed criticism of Team CoC with comparisons to Team Debian and how this cost them people, "This needs mediation, not forced public humiliation."
Overstreet's reply to the CoC's ban:
@sun @mangeurdenuage OK, here's the Official Linux CoC ruling:
And they have a point about in the message they link to "Get your head examined. And get the fuck out of here with this shit." but it seems to be an entirely appropriate thing to say, or what back in the days when the Linux project cared about the very difficult task of quality in a mass of C code they frequently didn't understand the behavior of.
The guy he's replying to is non-responsive, which might or might not be legit, but the claims both technical and hammering language seem to be legit, "Michal, if you think crashing processes is an acceptable alternative to error handling you have no business writing kernel code."
And he's being attacked by a notorious pajeet woman SJW in her CoC role, who is not working in good faith
Here this now banned for a full Linux development cycle guy lays out his general, long term problem with two people on the memory management team of Linux: And then about how badly this CoC member is handing things, like "a bad HR department."
And unless he's lying through his teeth the MM team was not working in good faith. He also apologized in the email thread.... Thus the pajeet's demands for a public apology are as someone in the thread noted a humiliation ritual, exactly what we've learned to expect from people from the subcontinent.
That said, Overstreet was (and maybe still is?) absolutely refusing to work with Team Linus/Kernel using the necessary technical processes they've developed, he just doesn't respect it one can infer. But this is not the way to address that problem, I wouldn't be surprised if this CoC committee action is also an underhanded effort to push him out of kernel development altogether.
I'll reply in my next posting on how all this mess has revealed the Linux kernel is in DEFCON 2 and I am moving to DEFCON 1 in looking at alternates.
@sun @mangeurdenuage This is all on the record on the the Linux Kernel Mailing List (LKML)! Could someone provide links to relevant threads instead of all this vagueness?
@sickburnbro @EnnaComa @Mamako @amphidamant @jimmybuffettfanaccount That's because the K-12 School Industrial Complex is a key part of the Democrat's system, from the patronage that bulks up these low performing schools (which also have an impossible mission with the restraints on allowed discipline), to the political power they return to the party. They can also be lazy, see Oakland, California discarding a system that worked but had boring hard work as is required anyway.
Reading is something worth focusing on. What happens when your ruling trash decides they don't want most of the population to learn how to read (in an era where radio and movies could supplant that as a means of communications including propaganda)?
You can't understand any of this without knowing the systematic degradation of US public school teaching quality, for which the 1930 publication of the first Dick and Jane and Their Running Dog Spot basal reader is a useful marker. This was called out very strongly in the mid-1950s and it's still being fought over.
Severe to the point of making K-12 potentially worthless thought lowering of standards also happened no later than the 1950s, Heinlein wrote a lot about this. That plus the Supreme Court outlawing basic intelligence and the like testing for jobs is one reason college became so big, it became the last resort signal (for a while, at least).
Nemo me impune lacessit.Primary Fediverse account.Cirno makes the strongest reaction emoji. :cirnoHeh: Secondary/alternative checked every month or two is
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