I saw this today. What strikes me is how amazing the cinematography are in these scenes. When you compare it to newer pokemon movies, like Secrets of the Jungle (which wasn't bad, exactly), it lacks the same sublime feeling, the sense of importance, and the main characters are not as cocky or funny. It feels like everything needs to be the same, bland, and safe. I hate it.
Part of me wonders if it's due to a sort of incest, people making media today based their stories, not off personal experiences they had, but off old media. So everything references itself, and it slowly regresses to the mean.
Maybe things won't be as bad as people imagine, in that the basic principles of how most things work is written down, but the problem is the more nuanced parts of how old tech actually works or how it was built will be lost, meaning that every few generations we're going to need to throw a lot of lot of stuff and start over. When we get sufficiently advanced, I wonder if that will lead to a stagnation, basically constantly reinventing the same tech with the same level of performance over and over.
@grey@Titanbreakerkun@dickflatteningenthusiast My background is in physics, so what I'm saying here might not be universal, but I think it could be... anyway most of the text books you use, even up to graduate school, were written sometime in the 60's or earlier, and have very minor edition changes. Classical Electrodynamics, the standard text on E&M topics, was written in 62, and has only three editions, the last in 99. Maybe we'll get to a point where even these texts are impossible to find, but I doubt it. I think it would take something really big to erase everything we've learned. Now if we are still smart enough to understand it in the future is a more realistic question. Knowing how a specifically radio telescope built in the 60's works if you have no instructions or people with experience? Even more likely.
@SuperSnekFriend I think it's more funny how his name is Christian.
But also, the style is totally wrong. This guy is just another larper who is an edgy atheist. Being an atheist isn't upsetting anymore, and so now they do crap like this.
I don't believe any pagans went to houses of worship ever. They didn't think that Zeus or Odin cared about stuff like that, unless you were super important (like a king or lord of a great city). There was a hierarchy. Big gods cared about big things, like nations, heroes, kings, cities, and lesser gods care about lesser things. So if you were concerned about your spirituality, you'd appeal to a lesser god.
Pagans seemed to generally believe in lots of spirits, probably closest to how Christians view angels today. These spirits or "lesser gods" are what took personal interest in you or your family. You had a family or even you had a god (in the roman religion called this a genius) and you'd have spirits in nature and in the world around you that would inspire or motivate, and those you would honor personally. If you had questions, or were in need of direction from a higher power, you would directly appeal to larger gods through a medium, usually some sort of "priest", "priestess", seers, oracles, (I believe the term Pontifex originates with the "head" of the roman religion). But also, a lot of these upper positions were more... symbolic than representing anything serious spiritually. I don't know how often the average person interacted with them.
This is my problem with pagan revival, there was an entire culture and behavior based around paganism that's missing today, it wasn't just worshiping a god on Sunday, so doing "church + Perune" isn't anything but a mental illness.
"In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am I'm wearing my sister's underwear."
Seriously though, how does one fix this that doesn't involve public executions, Islam style? These people are obviously perverts, and if you tell them that they'll dig in their 3in heals (that they probably stole) and start crying about being "trans". I would say that they're self aware and use the "trans" thing as a cloak, but using terms like "euphoria boner" here tells me that some of them have probably fallen for their own lies.
@Twoinchdestroya@ColesterolCoasterToaster@PNS@freemayonnaise Time passes slower for objects in motion and objects in non-inertial frames of reference (observers who are being accelerated either by gravity or an applied thrust), relative to stationary observers in inertial frames of reference. Moving objects are also length contracted from the perspective of observers in inertial frames.
For observers in motion and not in an inertial frame, they perceive the whole world as moving, and so time for the outside world is slowed while time moves normally for them, and the outside world also contracts in the direction of motion. But when experiencing any acceleration, time in the outside world appears to speed up relative to them.
@Suiseiseki@VD15@egirlyuumimain Yeah, of course, but 1 ts, 1 tbs, 1 cup are nicer to work with than 4.9ml, 14.8ml, 236.6ml. Even if I round it to 5, 15, 240, (or maybe 10, 30, 250, idk) it's easier to divide and multiply stuff when your starting unit is increments of 1. This is the reason why even scientists make up goofy units like Barns and Outhouses, Angstroms, Jansky. Basically establishing a scale that works within the context of their field. The primary advantage with metric imo are unit conversions, and despite the chart I don't think people regularly do that unless they are in some sort of pinch.
But my whole joke was really that incremental metric measuring cups would be silly.
And yeah, I remember being told that Ramen is a WWII food, something the Japanese troops picked up in China and changed to match local tastes. I think it's sort of interesting that the ultimate college foods in America, ramen and pizza, both have roots in WWII.