I get it, it's all about trade offs and depends on what you're doing, I tend to get really absorbed so I realised having to recharge the damn battery constantly was extremely annoying.
If it makes you feel any better most tech startups are outright scams. It's usually some kind of pet project by a trust fund baby which is why they're often in their 20's and usually their main goal is to farm ESG money or get themselves bought out by a company like Google or Microsoft.
Their goal isn't to actually make a product it's to fake growth and then rug pull all their employees and investors while they run off with the cash. It's pretty impressive in a way because of how common it is, this is why you see them using buzzwords like how they're a fast growing startup. They're hiring all these employees in order to fake growth and then they use crap like crypto and AI to attract retards who don't know anything about it but they just know that they're supposed to be fast growing industries.
Have you noticed for example how games companies like EA are trying to promote AI? That's just another side of the scam, the product itself is garbage, but it won't matter to them if they can get someone rich and dumb enough to by into it.
I should point out as well that DEI and ESG are another big part of this. To show I'm not playing favourites Elon Musk is doing the same bullshit with his H1B visa simping for Indians, this is how these CEOs make money and keep failing upward.
In case any of you had any doubts about Nigel Farage being controlled opposition the lotus eaters guys are going into autistic levels of detail about the recent councillor defection which includes one Labour TERF.
It's very much looking like he was using mass migration as a campaign issue and then when he got popular enough and started attracting mainstream attention the scam was to rug pull the people that put him there and get other politicians on board.
Then when the cameras are off he is an absolute primadonna to everyone around him and treats people like they're the 'help'. He's got a real rotten attitude and it looks like his backstabbing and mean girl behaviour on top of it has made him one too many enemies and even the normies have finally got fed up of him after he decided to go mean girl on Rupert Lowe because he was getting more popular.
It's quite funny because boomers don't seem to understand how the internet never forgets and he can still be recorded these days if people are determined enough to archive him KiwiFarms style and he starts sperging out enough in his social circles.
You'd be so fucking surprised @Rasterman lol, it's like how these days you could walk into most corporate buildings with a high visibility jacket and a clipboard no questions asked.
In his defence, Elon Musk probably has thousands of lines of shitty spaghetti code to contend with on that site. He's only realistically been in charge of twitter for a short while and he likely hasn't found every exploit and glitch that could be on there.
Also Indian contracted programmers. The only reason that companies don't get targeted more often is purely because most hackers aren't the type of person cause total chaos for no reason even though they absolutely could.
I'm just looking at it from the outside, but ask anybody who's actually worked in the biz, they know, I've had to explain this to normies. I could cause so many problems for a company if I really wanted to just by physically turning up there and I don't have any of the l33t hacking skills to get into stuff remotely.
Next up I'm going to be importing all the Blender work I've done with the animations and new armatures. Then I can get to coding in features and showing off gameplay again.
As a Brit I completely disavow lol, by the way there's this channel I watch regularly called AbroadInJapan which is total normie stuff and this British guy on there cooked a steak on a cold pan and everybody was in agreement how bad it was.
I don't know how the British got this bad at cooking but I disavow, I think I need to redeem the UK by posting up my food.
Don't you just love it when people project their fetishes online and try to act like anybody who doesn't follow that is abnormal? It would be like if guys who liked tomboys all started coming together and declaring that anybody who didn't find tomboys attractive are gay.
In fact I don't even need to make that up, fucking Destiny did this with his cuckold fetish and was desperately trying to gaslight people.
Funny how the second the uniparty got booted out of power all these weirdos we've had to deal with for years are running out of money and suddenly having their lives ruined isn't it?
She put maybe in her flight hours, wtf, I'm not joking I would sooner fly my own plane than be put at risk by DEI policies. By the way, it's common practice to record your flight hours in a flight log partly for insurance purposes among other things which means she's potentially not even doing that properly.
I feel like it should be a thing to public domain old designs of electronics and vehicles because of this but you know the greedy shits at the top would fight this tooth and nail via patent trolling among other things.