>What is the debt really? Like who is gonna collect it from who exactly? The debt is paid to holders of US T-bonds, traditionally considered the bedrock safe haven asset of the global financial system. A US default would throw markets into absolute chaos.
>Paying down the debt. Let's stop pretending we're gonna climb out of this $36.5 trillion hole that's been dug. Paying it down was something that might've been feasible 15 years ago. Now? Just cut us the check for everything you took away from Colombian tranny operas and Iraqi Sesame Street.
If the US wants to default on its debt, it can just do it, no need for any lame runarounds. There's just no need to do so as long as the dollar remains in demand internationally.
Obama was never given shit for anything he did. "Kids in cages" (aka the sensible policy of separating possibly trafficked children from human traffickers) was started under the Obama administration, and you didn't hear a single complaint from the media about it until Trump was in office.
When you read about Watergate with a mindset that's used to the modern political context, you can't help but think "Nixon resigned over this shit? It doesn't even seem like that big of a deal."
It's funny how many of the same people who rightfully mock Bush's bullshit WMD excuse to invade Iraq also believe Assad's chemical weapons were totally real.
>Surely nothing bad will happen if I fedpost about this fruity sheriff who is practically begging anons to give him a reason to subpoena platforms/ISPs and ruin their lives. :marseyclueless: