That's not the Great Reset. That's the Georgia Guidestones, which are gone now. I did get to see them while they existed. That was a long fucking drive:
No one says, "I'm a hacker." They say, "I'm a pentester" or "I work in security."
The Intercept is a CIA honeypot that has landed literally ever whistleblower that's leaked to them in prison (except for Snowden, which I think show's he's a fake limited hangout CIA plant).
There are many of them that still fully believe. There are people I know in real life who will drop others as friends if they think a family member died of the jab. The damage is ongoing and it's not over.
are those the ones where they custom print a fitting for your eyes? There was a review on Optimum Tech where he replaced a three monitor racing sim with them.
Doesn't postgres have an officially supported graphql extension?
My last job we used graphql + postgres, but we had a Rails graph extension and had to write all the conversions from ActiveRecord to Graphql proxies ourselves 😩 ... we were plagued by N+1 queries for a while and wrote a bunch of code linters to enforce pagination and other things. It was a fucking pain. GraphQL is so overrated.
JD Vance (not his real name; changed it 3 times!) is not a hillbilly as he claims. He grew up in practical Ohio suburbia (the real Appalachian degenerates live in West Cincinnati, which closed down almost all its high schools in the 2010s due to dropout rates).
He's a Peter Thiel supported technocrat, and an obvious actor and liar.
Maybe it was originally designed for oil spills and they just keep using it to maintain it?
Honestly animals are going to be fucked when we got extinct. They'll be adapted to break down so many different types of microplastics and spilled crude that their entire supplemental food source will dry up when we're gone.
There's a part in Moby Dick where they're talking about sending in the most junior sailors to dive into the whale's cavity to help extract all the oil. ... can't possible smell as bad as that.