Knew a boomer who bought a brand new 1957 Chevy. It was a convertible. A fuel-injected '57 Chevy convertible. Two years later, he got himself a '59 Ford retractable hardtop. He wasn't rich and famous, that was just life.
Read about a guy who bought a 66 GTO new, $3600. Same year his parents bought a house for $4000. Imagine being able to buy a house for a little more than MSRP on a 2025 Mustang GT.
>Every job I've applied for in the last year has been like: We're paying enough for an apartment, and you need to devote 80 hours a week and your entire life to our work bullshit. Yeah no thanks. Don't even need an apartment if you never go home.
> no real economic growth since the Dot Com crash in '01, just rampant asset inflation I'm always reading about big corporations snapping up assets, it makes the company's CEO look good - on paper. Great way to pump up an underperforming company, it's like they're turning businesses in mutual funds.
Fun fact: Sally Struthers dropped the sponsor-a-nigger... ...after niggers nearly killed her. :02_laugh:
>Sally Struthers said she stopped being a Christian Children’s Fund ambassador out of fear for her life.
>She had flown to Uganda on a very small plane to meet a child she sponsored. They were going to film a commercial together.
>Remembering what happened next makes her realize how lucky she is to be alive.
>“They brought [the child] from his village, which was quite a few hours away. He had traveled to come meet his sponsor, to meet me, and I made some commercials with him, and I played with him and I brought him toys and balloons,” Struthers recalls. “Well, a roving band of guerrilla warfare guys came out of the bushes and asked [him] where he was from, and he named his village, which was far away, and they decided that we had kidnapped him, and they were going to shoot all of us.”
>A priest who was there and spoke the language of the guerrillas told Struthers to walk away without turning her back on the men. She survived but the encountered changed her.
>“I thought, ‘I’ve been on so many little airplanes that could have crashed and in so many horrible situations.’ I came back from one of my trips overseas with hepatitis.” the actress said. “I thought, ‘What am I doing? I’ve got a child, a real-life child of my own, and I’m gonna make her an orphan. I can’t do this anymore.'”
>The guerrillas didn’t care that Sally Struthers was there on a humanitarian mission. Her goodwill helped feed countless children but it was time to close that chapter.
>12 cents a day So why aren't the israelis sending their shekels? They're supposed to be the shining beacon that all of humankind aspires to be. Are the jews there like racist or something?
>> The honey pots imgraciated themselves into the top ranks of the campaign. >Pics or it didn't happen. 😤 You just want to see if they were hotties.
I'm inclined to believe Comey crossed several lines. First, there were the Strzok notes, showing Obama/Biden talking about the Logan Act. Second, Comey tried to hide from his new boss. Third, he gave Hillary an unprecedented pass. He could've moved it forward while still asking for lenience, but he didn't. Even her aides saw thousands of classified e-mails.
>I mean ... he's black so ... 💁🏼♂️ I hope he doesn't go work for the Bureau of Prisons. Letting an inmate you're supposed to guard get Jeffery Epstein'd -before he has the opportunity to testify against their clients- is bad for justice.
Thanks to federal prosecutors, they avoided jail time.
>I thought about it but I can't bring myself to do something dishonest like that. It sucks. It's not dishonest per se. For the right amount of credits, a lawyer could act as your proxy. I nominate @Humpleupagus , he likes raping corporations.
(not necessarily just corporations, he just really likes rape)
>Make me one Here's your uncooked luncheon meat on dry Wonder Bread sandwich. Why yes, it does kind of look colorless. It's been out on the counter for five days.
>Making a sandwich isn't cooking. 😒 Grilling doesn't count? Ham and cheese. Fried egg. Bacon. The best sammiches need some level of proficiency. I guess the question is, where does cooking begin? I'm thinking even a microwave can be used to prepare eggs?