Er'rybody wants to talk about bedsheets and pitbulls. Nobody wants to talk about how many people doctors kill on a yearly basis, or how many children they cripple with their heavy metal jabs.
I'll bet I can show you how to do it. Wifey and I eat whatever we want, and spend about $150/week on groceries, max. I mean we eat steak, lamb, you name it.
The tradeoff is effort on your part. That's the catch. But, I can show you how to at least improve your food.
I could get that number down to $400 with more information, but again, it's a tradeoff - you're exchanging effort and time for money.
Example: I spent $11 on a 5-lb pork belly this weekend. This morning I cleaned that up and started the curing process. I will get 4.5lbs of pancetta from that, in a month. At current prices of $14/lb or more, that's roughly $63 worth of pancetta.
Curing: 4% salt by weight of meat, plus a little black pepper and brown sugar and a negligible amount of other spices, and somewhere cool to hang meat (fridges work) for a few weeks.
Here’s the pancetta I made this morning. I cut the whole pork belly in half, trimmed them, then salted them. Now they go into the basement for ten days, covered with cheese cloth, on a rack.
Then politics for you just became very simple. Minimal government interference in 99% of daily life, barring, of course, crimes. Read Alexis De Tocqueville. Very instructive.
She's not wrong. All these brownoid pseudoholidays are bullshit. Drinko de Mayo was NEVER an American holiday until about 20 years ago. It is literally Mexicans, celebrating a French military victory. That's what DDM is all about. Now here in Michigan, we have whole neighborhoods full of street-shitters celebrating their blue skinned death cult gods on one side of town, while the sand niggers teach their children to blow up for Mohammed during Eid.
No, comma, they don't. Pub culture is White culture. Pubs are White People gathering places. Have been forever. Our country was planned in pubs. We know because we have Ben Franklin's bar tabs from the time. All of that is jew marketing for shekels.
(bear in mind that I say none of this with malice of any sort, and I still loves ya)
Because I'm really Irish, and I'm tired of seeing fat jew sows parading around like this, mocking my heritage and culture. These people made me this way. I used to be Captain Diversity Pants, until I started paying attention.
(squatting slav kike sow is Elissa Slotkin, the Bolshevik State Department tool from Washington DC, who was installed as a "senator of Michigan" recently)
And I would never ask that you don't enjoy yourself. I'll be enjoying myself as well - but I might get Irish about it if some kikes or niggers show up at the roadhouse!
"The Great Gaels of Ireland are the people God made mad, for all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad."