@BrokenSword It wasn't as good as the Army commercial, but there were some good ones about having grandfathers who died at Auschwitz by falling out of the guard tower.
They're obsessed with material wealth and not above stealing if they're guaranteed to not-get-caught: the Shame of getting caught is what prevents the theft, not the internalized Guilt of doing something wrong like stealing.
The pairings are poor with Whites, as the internal motivations are different. BUT, for a young man who just wants to be appreciated for bringing-home-the-bacon, the allure of a woman willing to give him exclusive sex in exchange for him working really hard to make lots of money...
...the comparison for him is a White woman who will argue day-and-night about how she shouldn't have-to, and she doesn't need-to, and why-should-she...
...it's the same deal, but without the guaranteed sex, cooked dinner, clean house, done laundry...
The arguments, though, will all still be there. One will be heavily "Why You No Make More Money" flavored, where the other is "Why Should I Have To Cook" flavored.
Whites will feel bad internally if they do something wrong. Orientals will feel bad if they get caught doing anything wrong. Niggers will only feel bad while they're being beaten, and will only adjust their behavior to avoid those physical beatings.
@Paleface@jb I am a strict adherent of burning them alive, but I have come around to the new-fangled idea that we could instead save effort and money by impaling them at the border. Like a wall.
@DMA@ThePoastmasterGeneral The "Roman nose" is recognized as a strong nose and the marker of strong character, but it looks different that the jewish hooknose.
@jb I don't think they grasp what it means, but women have different reproductive goals than Men do. If they have a baby, their genes will be carried on. They don't think about whether those genes will come to a total halt in three generations due to a confrontation with a more powerful group.
Rome existed. Their most powerful enemy was always the Gauls, and they devoted the bulk of their history towards meeting and subjugating that foe.
Then they encountered the Germans. The Germans were better than the "Romans", who were by then not actually Roman but were the subject population of the entire Empire.
The Western European Roman Empire was full of Germans, who paid their taxes and fought in the Legions.
Then they decided they didn't want to answer to prancing faggots in the faraway City. So they ended the Western Empire. Just like that. They just changed the government, and it was over.
You know why we think of Rome all the time? Because we're right there, at the end. We're not out there conquering a fucking thing. We don't even have our women obedient to Our People anymore.
We could have our own nation. We'd just need to do what we already did, and what the Romans did. Kill everyone who disobeys our orders, make room for us and our people, and completely erase from history any People who causes any form of trouble.
Instead, we're giving control of our People to a hostile race and begging them to stop letting invaders in.
There's only one way out of this, and it's illegal to talk about it. If we don't do it, it all ends. Like Rome ended.