I've been saying for over a decade now that Canucks should be trying to ban "assault doctors" instead of "assault rifles", because medical malpractice accounts for approximately 20x more deaths per annum than all firearms involved deaths combined (including suicide and accidental discharge). If we only counted homicides involving firearms, then medical malpractice would beat firearms by over 160x. That's not even counting MAID.
The same is true of 'Murica last I checked. Most of us Canucks are well aware our health care system is broken. It only makes us mad because it's true, and yet we're still forced to pay for it regardless.
Embed this notice⚡Eineygður Flakkari⚡ (toiletpaper@shitposter.world)'s status on Wednesday, 04-Dec-2024 01:16:03 JST
⚡Eineygður Flakkari⚡"...violations range “from broken safeguards to patients who were euthanized who may not have been capable of consent,” the report shows. ... Now, people suffering from poverty, homelessness, depression, autism, vaccine injury, mental illness, or even hearing loss can apply for MAiD. ... The most recent reports show that MAiD is the sixth highest cause of death in Canada. ... According to Health Canada, 13,241 Canadians died by MAiD lethal injections in 2022 alone. This accounts for 4.1 percent of all deaths in the country for that year, a 31.2 percent increase from 2021."
Reminds me of Lunduke (a Jew) making fun of a C++ contributor being banned for titling a technical paper "The Undefined Behavior Question", because it's too reminiscent of Marx's "On the Jewish Question". This is where our society is at now... tilting at windmills is an official [victim] Olympics sport.
I find it odd that being likened to a divine being would be considered "pr❄blematic" given the degree of public shemale cock worship that we're universally expected to engage in these days. I've personally always been accepting and supportive of lgbtq+ people in my life and in general, before it was cool. But seeing society as a whole and prepubescent children in particular now forced to kow-tow to biological delusions and eccentric sexual fetishes is another matter entirely. I find my sympathy has dwindled considerably as a result.
She's putting Christinanity on a pedestal though. She thinks the enlightenment was a product of Christinanity in denial of the fact that it was actually the revival of classical Paganism and the vast diversity of thought and belief intrinsic to it which inspired the enlightenment, etc. The USA's foundations are thoroughly Pagan. One need only look to the giant statue of Libertas in NY harbour and the pantheon of Roman Gods on the ceiling of the Capital building. Not to mention the statements of the founding fathers themselves.
True. Mind you it'll never happen anyway. It's all just wishful thinking. That said, if someone were to take it upon themselves, I'm sure they could figure out a way to make it happen, such as dumping a bunch of nuclear waste on site or that kinda thing.
My guess is it's a cipher of some kind. Probably to do with spagyria (a form of alchemy involving plant medicines). Reason being that people involved in that didn't often want to share their secrets back in the day, and so you get a wide variety of novel symbol sets for use by small groups or even a single individual. It was not uncommon to use more than one language in the same text, and sometimes even in the same sentence. But that's just a guess.
When I lived in Toronto I was part of a hacker/maker space where there's a group of folks dedicated to DIY bio hacking. It's becoming more common and accessible, which is both cool, and also a bit scary.
The best thing about covid is being able to walk into a bank wearing a balaclava and not get shot in the face. Mind you if you didn't wear a mask, that's a possibility.How well do you think an n95 mask would stop a fart?But hey, that's why there're safe and effective (never before tested, experimental, totally not gene therapy, fingers crossed, honest) vaccines. Not so long ago it was GMO food we had to worry about. Now half the people I know are GMOs, and so is the entire hospital blood supply. Anyway, that's not nearly as important as whether I prefer the pronoun you're using, you bigot nazi fascist who wants to take away our ability to take away your ability to speak to whoever or about whatever we dislike du jour. Nya!Why is it called conspiracy "theory"? Isn't a theory a hypothesis which has been thoroughly tested and has withstood every effort to debunk it? Hmmm...The way society is going in a generation or two from now young adults will be l