Notices by supersid (
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@SuperSnekFriend Notch is probably just making the kinda game he would have wanted to play growing up. The voxel caves matched with the classic dungeon crawler ui has me feeling a kinda way
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@DW2 @PraxisOfEvil @Hoss Yeah true that.
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@DW2 @PraxisOfEvil @Hoss I really am beginning to understand why the current generation just never move out from under their parents these days. I've personally fallen back under that camp myself. There are worse lows to hit, I have savings which buys me the sense of mind, but the whole experience has drained me.
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@Hoss @DW2 @PraxisOfEvil I've only been in this whirlwind a handful of months but I already feel fully and truly defeated. I'm more then qualified for a lot of the jobs I'm interviewing for, hell I've been called in for interviews twice now and yet I can't seem to score anything. Almost a decade of experience doing maintenance and yet it's worth jack shit.
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@teto @LittleTom While I like the thrill of PvP, there does need to be more properly designed coop games
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@teto @LittleTom Fighting games is very honest PvP, not sure which fighting game you're having fun in singleplayer with though since most are made unfun by how the AI cheats to be difficult.
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@mischievoustomato @theorytoe @skylar @sapphire @prettygood You feel comfortable giving random discord servers your phone number?
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@mischievoustomato @theorytoe @skylar @sapphire @prettygood Thats... Thats what documentation for modding looks like though... I should clarify, my complaints aren't about Downloading mods, my complaints are about finding the information on how to make mods yourself. Though Mods exclusive to Discord annoy me too, they aren't what I'm bitching about
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@skylar @theorytoe @prettygood @mischievoustomato Annoying but you can at least verify something exists through searching the internet. Anything locked away in a Discord server is esoteric knowledge known only to the few allowed to exist on it.
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@mischievoustomato @theorytoe @prettygood When things exist in the public space however, there is more of a chance that it is preserved past it's destruction.
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@mischievoustomato @theorytoe @prettygood Yes, and Discord is an ill equiped vessel to replace them because they're stunted, walled garden that suck every useful bit of information inside of them into the void when Discord decides they no longer like what is being posted on it and delete it with no warning.
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@mischievoustomato @theorytoe @deprecated_ii @prettygood I WOULD PREFER IF REDDIT-LIKES WERE WHAT WERE POPULAR...
I can at least fucking access the information on it to a degree without having to know a person who knows how to get into the right server.
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@mischievoustomato @theorytoe @prettygood I'm an active user on Spacebattles Forums, I occasionally glance through Varis's Forum too. You're acting like I don't try and engage with alternatives, the problem is that the masses gather in them and I can't do anything to stop that.
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@prettygood @theorytoe @mischievoustomato I just want to be able to access information on misc game modding without having to know the specific Discord link for an esoteric server that for all I know already went up in smoke taking all the information it held with it to the abyss.
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@theorytoe @prettygood @mischievoustomato I for one want Discord and all it's alternatives to burn. Messenger apps were never designed to be used as Message Boards like Discord servers are used as.
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@lina @Loki At that point he could have it.
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@Loki @lina Swearing in japanese is entirely contextual, there are undoubtedly ways his dialog could be made to sound as painfully immature in Japamese as Death's lines are here though.
I digress, that scene I posted is supposed to be the final moments before the climatic battle of the series begins. I felt my soul leave my body watching it.
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@lina @Loki Pretty much, I was fine with it when he was hiding in plain sight as a sniveling, bottom of the rung vampire. But when he kept it even after transforming, I felt like I was gonna die of cringe just listening to him speak.
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@Loki I'll be honest I didn't mind so much about the finer details that the Castlevania anime was deviating from (though race swapping Issac was annoying and a sign of things to come), and I actually did like the events of Season 1 and 2 even with the later season's emphasis on Dracula's court.
I really only started having issues when it really started deviating from the overarching plot of Castlevania 3 into CoD when Hector was being held hostage by vampires, and later when Issac's character arc knocked him away from him eventually trying to revive Dracula, and then was openly angry when the series ended on Dracula being revived free of his connection to chaos some fucking how.
I don't even want to acknowledge Nocturne at this point because the Netflix setting is so distorted, to the point where the first fucking Belmont of note after Leon is the one who somehow dealt with the eternal plague of Dracula literally 500 years early ignoring the dudes literal complete immortality due to his connection to the literal embodiment of chaos.
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@Loki To clarify season 2 is Trevor, Sypha, and Alucard formulating a plan to lockdown castlevania and kill dracula. Season 1 was just the first 4 episodes. Seasons 3 and 4 are pretty bad though, I genuinely wanted to gouge out my ears hearing Death, in his actual giant skeleton form, still swearing every other word in a crude immature manner.
Also it's no surprise that Symphony of Night's conflict bled heavily into the story. It was relevant to Castlevania 3's as well, SotN simply elaborated on it.
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