IK my Libertarian fren (well call him that, he's a essentially a Natsoc worried about succession and the jews and reds taking power lol) hates it as it's just stocks and not a currency at all and not decentralized either.
His argument is that basically most people use it as an investment, and pretty much no one uses it as a currency or accepts it as one, just exchanges it for fiat.
The thing is the “people” (if we can call kikes and nogs that…) Commander Rockwell was up against DID hugely change things for the worse for us which he naturally saw. Commander Rockwell’s biggest issue was trusting the system far too much, but that asides he was a great man and I think would have made a great leader too, had he gotten the chance (and asides, the ANP was larger then TRS ever was, had he not been killed so early and had a better successor things could have gone even better)
I think the hexagram is somesort of magic symbol outside the goblin context lol, only series I’ve seen touch Kabbalah is Fate/Tsukihime (and did they have to make Kabbalah Rabbi Aviceborn look so cool lol, though he is a villain as you’d expect lol), though that’s cus it touches on most everything lol.
It’s also quite good inspiration for media (Pic rel is named Demiurge and uses Yaldabeoth as an alias lol) can’t think of any more off the top of my head cus didn’t sleep but know it exists lol.
For some reason Wikipedia describes Von List‘s beliefs as somewhat Gnostic (I mean the article is fucking awful in a fair few other ways but I digress) so just covering my ass slightly lol
Aye, while I do believe in becoming better over lives due to worth, it's not to escape the world as the world's not evil (I'm a Pagan, and what kinda Pagan would I be if I thought that lol)
My own views are, while called "gnostic" essentially what I've always thought, that the world is simply that, it's not evil or created by evil, nor is it created by good, it emerged from the Aether (which IMO could have been the big bang, though who knows really), to be clear this isn't Atheist Siegfried, It's part of the religion I hold.
Weeb, Fate and Touhou poaster, Volkish Folower of the Old Ways (Specifically I'm mostly an Armanist), National Socialist, and a Warhammer-fag, if you follow me I'll try and follow you back. Death to judea and Death to AmericaPronouns: He/Himmler