Mineral imbalance. Could be Calcium Sodium or Potassium. Try salt, just straight, a few crystals off your finger. If you can't taste it, buy a bag of chips or jerky. Drink a Body Armor, If that fixes it, it was a potassium shortage. More milk is rarely a bad idea.
Your only mistake was asking their opinion. Too many decades in this business have taught me that users have no idea what they want. There are people who will challenge you to a knife fight to defend a deprecated feature that never worked right and that they haven't used in two years.
"The Dark Ages" is a term coined by historians to highlight the lack of documentation of the history England after the withdrawal of Rome in the 5th century. The native Britons were not particularly literate, and the invading Germans were illiterate Pagans, so even church records of baptisms and deaths stopped being kept. Life in the North also got more difficult because of economic contraction due to the cooling climate. Keeping careful records is not high on the list when you're hungry. A similar situation was happening at the same time in other parts of Europe, and the entire phenomenon was christened a Dark Age.
It's just another whisper campaign. This is how they operate. Rumors, leaks, all that is various parties trying to get what they want. By all means, wait and see. Don't doom porn.
Working on the back end of medical records systems, they are lying. The thing that doesn't happen is all of the records getting lost. That's because mishandling medical records means doctors and hospital adminstrators and IT people can go to prison.
Toppings are for when the substrate doesn't taste good. Like ice cream on rhubarb pie. Everything else doesn't taste as good as a real cheesecake, so it detracts from the cheesecake rather than adding to it.
I've used cast iron all my life. I don't even normally use soap on it. Maybe plain hot water with a scubber if something is stuck to it, or you cooked tomatoes and stripped the finish, or it got rusty or something. 80% of the time I just wipe it out with a paper towel. And seasoning cast iron is dead easy: Get it hot, Put some kind of grease on it. Done.
"However, a prior Cochrane review concluded that there was a lack of evidence that any intervention meaningfully changed trust in physicians, despite a number of efforts to do so that observed generally modest effects."
Have you condidered "not lying" as a possible intervention?
If you are really that annoyed by it, build your own distro. Base it off of an established one, most people use Ubuntu. Basically you repackage the base installer without systemd, and set up a repo that references the base distro for everything else.
He could not reinforce, resupply or rearm in Italy. He didn't dare hold still long enough to beseige a city. Essentially, after losing two armies to him, the Romans refused to engage and let him run out of gas.
"So you could make maybe 80% of the population smarter at that subject than 80% of people with a PhD " No, you can't. You can, if they reach some minimum standard of intelligence, teach them more about a subject. That does not make them smarter. Do not confuse the ability to regurgitate facts with intelligence, or even understanding. Also, do not conflate "with a PhD" with any particular level of learning or intelligence. that's conflating classroom compliance with education, education with understanding, and understanding with intelligence.
The causes of low IQ are, in order: Genetics Genetics Genetics also brain damage and drug abuse. IQ is pretty well fixed and is measurable by the age of three. It doesn't change significantly over the lifetime, except for a very gradual decline, mostly as the result of aging, drug abuse and minor brain damage accumulation. Parts of West Africa have an average 65 IQ. That qualifies as mentally retarded in the US. That's the average. It is inborn, congenital, and cannot be increased. Training a stupid person does not make them smart. It may make them better able to handle many tasks, but it will not make them smarter. Training them in the proper attitude towards Whites will not make them smart. They were born dumb. These are simple, demonstrable facts, supported by over 100 years of research into the nature of human intelligence. You would rather believe the fairy tale you were taught than the cold hard facts of life. Fairy tales make for incredibly bad policy