There are three parties to a student loan: the student, the lender—meaning the federal government because we use a government-as-lender system—and the college...
But while both the student and the government are hurt by such loans, the college benefits because they get paid up front and they get to keep all the money. This misalignment of incentives, in which colleges can benefit from loans that leave the student and the government worse off
The government let's corporations pay nothing to have disabled people work for them for a certain amount of time then the government gives the disabled person taxpayer money and calls it training or something like that
There is a whole system of middle men
In my opinion it would cost less money to just give the disabled people welfare than to hire all the middle men. Plus there is an extra expense that their training salary is more than normal welfare.
Ashkenazi Kikes do not have primary ancestry from Israel but also culturally tend to claim they are not White even though they look White
They also had ancestors involved in the trans Atlantic slave trade then blamed White people's ancestors for the slave trade. Then say Whites should pay reparations but they should not have to pay for it because they are not White
But when they are caught doing bad things they say they are white
@relentless_eduardo@Humpleupagus A large number of them have a complex set of goals that relate to a simple philosophy of hedonism and the belief that if it gives them gratification in the short run then they have a Right to do it
There are exceptions of some homosexuals that do not have the complex set of goals
But most people are turned into homosexuals through propaganda and would not naturally be homosexuals if they were willing to avoid doing what feels good in order for long term gains
You see there are plenty of men who are attracted to men but do not believe they have a right to have physical relations with men and do not choose to do so because they know it is harmful to society by raising the rates of STDs at the cost of no benefit since they can not reproduce that way
If they are going to do that they could minimize harm by having less partners but they have massive amounts of partners typically
Because a large amount of the propaganda that turns people into homosexuals in the current year is from Kikes. A large number of homosexuals share the kike goals like the goals of the United Nations, The European Union, the world Economic Forum and the Democratic Party in the U.S.A.
There are exceptions like the log cabin Republicans that do not overlap with those goals as much but those exceptions are rare and even the log cabin Republicans are subverted
Once they cross over to the philosophy that it is ok for men to have physical relations with men because it provides short term gratification that comes with a bunch of other things encouraged that harm society but provide short term gratification
The men who are attracted to men but choose not to act on it because it harms society have a philosophy of helping society in the long run even if it is not as gratifying in the short run
1 They lifted the entry ban of HIV AIDS that George Bush tried but failed to Remove under Barack Hussein Obama
2 If you accept that men have a right to have physical relations with men because it feels good it opens up desire for the whole LGBTQP+ ideology because it feels good. 1 / 2 of statutory r*** cases are involving two people of the same gender but less than 1 / 2 of people are homosexual or bisexual
You see homosexuals knew this chopping off people's body parts things would be less popular than homosexuality so they started with legalized homosexuality instead of starting with their full end goal, and this chopping off people's body parts is not even their end goal, their end goal is even worse
So unfortunately I knew homosexual people not by choice before this transgender thing got big
Now people warned it would be a slippery slope. I would argue it would not be a slippery slope if the homosexual people only wanted homosexuality to be legalized but had no intention to promote transgenderism.
But the thing is homosexuals were promoting transgenderism for decades
The reason it was a slippery slope is many homosexuals planned to chop off people's body parts from the very beginning
Nationalism not GlobalismLocal Anarchist communities not Worldwide AnarchismCorporations, United Nations Governments, Most Media and Most Clergy are on Team EvilThe Jewish religion intends to exterminate ChristiansThe Jewish religion intends to enslave or exterminate Gentiles or GoyimPalestinians are the true Hebrew Israelitesat short stories atpoa dot st@shortstoriesmerovingian dot