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What does it mean when you crave salt? Not salty foods, just salt?
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Snap into rimjim.
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You are dehydrated homo
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The issue is what's causing it. It's not normal to have an imbalance without an associated medical issue. I'd go check cfr, creatinine, alt, ast, and alp to start.
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Mineral imbalance. Could be Calcium Sodium or Potassium. Try salt, just straight, a few crystals off your finger. If you can't taste it, buy a bag of chips or jerky. Drink a Body Armor, If that fixes it, it was a potassium shortage. More milk is rarely a bad idea.
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It is not common to regularly crave salt, which was what op was inquiring about. And as you clearly stated, my position is 100% correct. Thanks for your opinion.
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It is extremely common and completely normal to have a deficiency of some or another mineral, unless you are eating a truly natural diet. Sucrose, for instance will deplete potassium.
A mineral deficiency MAY be a larger signal, particularly of renal disease or liver function, but unless is persistent, it's not a big deal.
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Wait until you find out that contain electrons, which killed the Japanese. 😏
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@Humpleupagus @Snidely_Whiplash @s2208 Sodium a poisonous and very reactive metal, chloride Aka chlorine, A poisonous gas used in the first world war, what could go wrong!