I tried the Kratom thing back in the 2000’s when I first heard of it. I ordered some online and it did nothing at all so I never tried it again. Idk if I just got ripped off or what. 🤷🏻♂️
Yeah I did a lot of drugs when I was in my 20's and it's all the same. It's a blast the first handful of times you use whatever it is, then when you get addicted you're just taking it to feel normal because anything beats withdrawl. I used to rotate drugs I'd use so I could come off painkillers or whatever while I was doing cocaine and drinking booze/smoking pot or something lol. What a waste of time and money that was.
Ever take some pill called "Soma?" Those things will make you flat out pass out while you're in the middle of doing something, this bitch who used to sell me Xanax gave me a bunch of those Soma pills and I was like falling asleep in restaurants with my girlfriend and stuff lol.
That's funny because the chick who sold them to me was like "do not mix these and absolutely do not drive if you mix these" so of course I'm like "yeahhh whatever" and did it anyway.
I had some fun with cocaine but Idk how people do it for extended periods of time because eventually your nose gets all fucked up and you just can't do it anymore, plus it's just too expensive.
I didn't even know Suboxone existed in powder form, I thought it was just those Listerine strip type things. I've seen Subutex in a pill form where it dissolves or something though.
That suboxone shit is the biggest pharmaceutical scam ever. They claim it's a drug for "chemical dependency" that makes you chemically dependent on it lol. They're like "oh yeah take this for a few months or something and then taper off" but nobody ever wants to taper off so now they don't even try to get people to stop taking it since the Sackler kikes can make truck loads of cash off it.
The best is when the nigger was like "oh yeah this book is GREAT! But don't take me word for it!" and then it would do this little music jingle like DUN DUN DUN every time he said it, it was weird.
I liked their first 2 albums when they came out but I would never admit that I liked them at the time because I thought the mask thing was super gay lol.
Yeah plus they have 2 retards who just jump around and smash beer kegs with baseball bats or whatever, they don't even really do much lol. Like why do they need 9 guys on stage? It's fuckin' crazy lol.