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@sickburnbro @Ottovonshitpost @mactonite @Amalek_Respector @Will2Power @EmmaFaber @Sherri_Ingrey Haha sure thing, loser. Sure thing.
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@CatLord @Sui @narada @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @d0c40r0 @BowsacNoodle @Will2Power @EmmaFaber @Fullycaffeinated When some dude tells a woman to shut the fuck up, I'm going to respond in kind. You don't like it? Go tell your buddy up there not to tell her to shut the fuck up and I won't get involved.
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@d0c40r0 @Sui @narada @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @BowsacNoodle @Will2Power @EmmaFaber @Fullycaffeinated All the sperm doners should raise them. They're all ready, willing and able to manage a full time job and clean every dirty dish and diaper and shit stain, right?
Haha oh cue the "men don't get custody in divorce court" bullshit lies. Then the "the whole gubbbment is gooder to ladies and poor menz don't get nuffin." Hahaa here it comes...
Reality: men are criminals whether they have uptight parents eating din din at 7pm sharp every night or single mothers or grandparents or foster parents. Men are just criminals and ya only have yourself to blame. Maybe be better.
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@d0c40r0 @EmmaFaber @Sui @narada @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @BowsacNoodle @Will2Power @Fullycaffeinated You shut the fuck up. Men murdering men have nothing to do with us so fucking shut your fucking mouth. You go figure out why men are such fucking murderers and victims over in your own fucking world. And get the fuck out of women's discussions. Fuck off.
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@vic @EmmaFaber @Alex1488 @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup She isn't a bot. She's a normal human. Men who insult, abuse, or otherwise negatively impact womens lives are the fucking robots. Designed by dudes and unleashed on the world to repeat the same misogyny year after year. That's a robot.
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@PohlMe @Chronic-Yonic @GrumpyOldNurse @Cousin_Isobel I'm fascinated no one has brought up the sex differences. It is younger men who fall into homelessness and much older women. From the 90s back, women kept men who were problems. Kept them in their family home, their marital home, tolerated abuse in every aspect.
Women are leaving/escaping men who don't earn their way, who are abusive or disgusting or drunk or use drugs. When women can't afford a flat on their own, they buddy up with other women. If they can't, they are often homeless in their cars.
The elder women we are seeing now have been placed into homelessness by earning less their entire lives, therefore earning less in social security benefits (usa). The first jobs to go during covid were the jobs women filled. They are the first to be automated. Older women are the first to be fired in favor of younger employees. Children no longer bringing in mothers to their own homes. Medical costs (usa).
So it's important to know there are actually different reasons men and women become homeless.
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@PohlMe @Chronic-Yonic @GrumpyOldNurse @Cousin_Isobel I also think women have it incredibly hard in society. Really hard. Parents frankly, like their daughters less than their sons. They will pay for, help, pick up their sons time after time while telling their daughter to handle life better. Girls do fall into homelessness bc parents are religious freaks or a man is molesting them at home.
Older women lose their lives after men leave them penniless or they run from abuse. I'm not turning women into perpetual victims but I happen to know and have worked with women who have told me stories and yeah, frightening number have been homeless. Normal women.
Plus drug addiction is not always some failure or selfish evil. People went from opioid prescriptions to heroin or street versions easily. Trauma needs to be discussed. But if we do I think we will realize just how traumatized women really are.
Also...suicide is a direct side effect of anti depressants. It is also a side effect of stopping anti depressants and benzodiazapines. We talk about none of that. We just say "oh she was depressed that's why she was on pills for it." But they stick people on pills for anything. Non suicidal people. Then they suddenly become suicidal. But it's wrapped into its own defense bc after all...they were depressed to begin with. So therefore suicide is a possibility. Yikes.
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I don't know if I can live in a theocracy. I sincerely don't. I can't live in a country where some religious lunatic gets to wake up and decide my life based on his delusions.
But because gerrymandering is allowed, here we are. The United States of Christianity.
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@FemaleIsNotAFeeling @Gelatinousrube @LaylaAlexandrovna Once it feels better, stretch your hips. Did wonders for me. Sit down and place soles of feet together then lean forward trying to touch your forehead to your feet. Your hips will release and it won't pull down so badly on your lower back muscles.
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@FemaleIsNotAFeeling @Gelatinousrube @LaylaAlexandrovna Swear to the goddesses above if you get your legs limber and those hips and bum muscles limber it will tweak less and less. I mean I'm like 2 car accidents in and blamed damage for my back issues for years. Truth is, when I stretch all the just doesn't tweak. I really hope you feel better soon. 💓 Another good one is sitting on a chair, cross your ankle and rest it on your opposite thigh. Then lean forward towards that foot. You'll feel the hips IMMEDIATELY
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@Zaphryn Interesting indeed.
Also, I'm fascinated by the concept of Israeli jews whose family were living in Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon etc for hundreds of years until they were cast out or threatened with execution, being white but the people still living in those nations who choose to believe in Islam are...people of color.
They're the same fuckin shade of person. This hyperfixation on skin shade is just as insane as it was when white people pulled it 200 years ago.
Just sounds like you're "of color" if you practice Islam. Basically.
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I do accidentally come across men, clerics, doctors, men who run Islamic organizations and churches promoting the violent physical and sexual assault of women, right? You don't like MISS those videos. Or avoid those writings. I can't be THAT crazy.
Just acknowledge it. Just...for the sake of women who need to feel like you aren't gaslighting your fellow chicks out here. Just say please, "I'm not concerned with women if the group of men who abuse and murder them are more sympathetic." Just say it. Please.
Say "it's ok for THOSE style of men to beat, rape, burn, starve, mutilate, and murder women and little girls. Because they're a novelty in my country and I've been taught through relentless propaganda that it is phobic for me to be against THOSE men."
Just be honest.
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@Zaphryn @blingring And in fact, Palestinian workers cross over into Israel every day to do their jobs. Then they go home. They also fly out of the region through Israel's airports.
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@blingring @Zaphryn Israel is a normal country. With lunatics at their border. They have normal operations with the exception of the utter and complete fuckin lunatics who would barge in to stab people to death if given the chance.
Go talk to the lunatic terrorists if you want answers. And don't be puking out any of you're apartheid nonsense. It's too stupid to even warrant an argument.
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No, fella. You aren't "passing" at all. You think the people who are hyperfocusing on pretending you aren't a giant male with dark stubble and man hands, believe you are female. They don't. At all. It isn't you who is passing. It is the random group around you who are passing as clueless dopes. They're playing the game for you.
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@RadLola @LostInCalifornia I think once you've stripped down every facet of a shitty society and its shitty customs, you find misogyny. It is the basis of every shitty custom on earth, I think. Males design structures that are impossible to fit into and then demand everyone fit into them. Why we allowed them to design everything I don't know. But it's ended badly.
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@LostInCalifornia @RadLola I almost thought the same. That men must hate other men. But I wonder now, if they actually distance themselves so much from other men out of sheer narcissism. The dangerous opposite of self hatred. Any man who strays from my definition of men must be something else. "Man" is the most important thing on earth. If you do not act the way I deem men should act, you are not one of us. You are less than the optimal type of person, a man. And they relate men who sleep with other men to women. And they fucking hate women more than anything else. They believe having sex with women is a way to punish them. They consider the act, disgusting. Or they wouldn't say a woman has been defiled when a man had intercourse with her. Therefore, when men take the position women are usually in during sex, they are horrified. Only women should be demeaned like that.
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