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@SomaliRose @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @vic @EmmaFaber >legally prevent women from education
>holding office
>earning money
>inheriting land
>having a credit card
>signing a loan...
Considering your name is 'SomaliRose', are you talking from the perspective of a woman from Somalia or do you think these things happen in civilized, Western countries? 'cause I'm pretty sure women can do all those things, and have done so, for at least half a century at this point.
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@SomaliRose @Alex1488 @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @EmmaFaber > She's a normal human
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@vic @Alex1488 @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @EmmaFaber @SomaliRose Emma is a real human being. Thank you friend.
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@vic @EmmaFaber @Alex1488 @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup She isn't a bot. She's a normal human. Men who insult, abuse, or otherwise negatively impact womens lives are the fucking robots. Designed by dudes and unleashed on the world to repeat the same misogyny year after year. That's a robot.
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@EmmaFaber @Alex1488 @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @SomaliRose you sound like a GPT bot
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@EmmaFaber @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @vic @SomaliRose >this post
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@Alex1488 @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @vic @SomaliRose Men to completely disassociate themselves from the female human declared the world man's and said the female human was merely an unwanted guest in it, an outsider, an alien in their precious little male world...
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@Alex1488 @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @vic @SomaliRose Men had a final solution for their little problem called she, they attempted to erase her out of history?
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@EmmaFaber @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @vic @SomaliRose
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@Alex1488 @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @vic @SomaliRose The male brain as a collective revolves around one single thought..
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@Alex1488 @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @vic @SomaliRose Women
Don't Trip! don't stumble! Don't fall!
For men will surely take away all your Equal Rights
Just as quickly as they declare themselves created in their favourite mythical gods own image
Women don't you ever stumble, trip, or fall, for men will be on you like a pack of wolves,all frothing from their mouths waiting to tear into your female flesh the very first chance that they get..
Women always remember men's collective male goal in life is to kill the female, essentially you and nothing in this shit hole they call their man's world world exists outside of that..
Men collectively are here to kill you, never ever forget that.. and that one goal of men never ever alters.. never
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@EmmaFaber @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @vic @SomaliRose Another essay, lmao
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@Alex1488 @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @vic @SomaliRose oh it's great to see all you males bonding together on here.. yeah although a few laws alter over time, you men never ever change ..
as your killing the female is the one male goal that unites all you men in the name of your precious little manhood and when that is really looked at, one can see how precious little that manhood is
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@EmmaFaber @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @vic @SomaliRose lol
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@Alex1488 @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @vic @SomaliRose men's one collective male goal in life is to kill the female .. butcher her & skin her alive & nothing makes men happier than that.. nothing ever comes close to that one single act
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@EmmaFaber @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @vic @SomaliRose
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@Alex1488 @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @vic @SomaliRose Well, we all know those who are born nobodies in a man's world are those who are born female..
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@EmmaFaber @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @vic @SomaliRose lmao
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@Alex1488 @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @vic @SomaliRose you pua little man
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@EmmaFaber @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @vic @SomaliRose EmmaFaber: "Can't stop, won't stop. Even if nobody cares."
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@Alex1488 @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @vic @SomaliRose ooh dear, u pua little man
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@EmmaFaber @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @vic @SomaliRose tl;dr, again
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@Alex1488 @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @vic @SomaliRose Wow.., "for at least half a century at this point."
So at what point did men of the west reach civilization?
On the whim of the male the rights & freedoms of the female were determined & for most of his male history he determined she was just male property, cattle he had a right to herd in for male sport and corner and slaughter.. verbally, physically, politically, socially, sexually and mentally..
Men's collective goal has always been about erasing the female, because that blot on their otherwise perfect male landscape has to be removed to achieve their one male goal in life..
and that one goal in life makes men feel like real men in their man's world otherwise known as.. NO WOMAN'S LAND
And is why all the architecture in a man's world is solely from a male perspective .. because no other perspective is acceptable to them..
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@EmmaFaber @BigDuck @BobsonDugnuttHB @TakodachiEnjoyer @givenup @vic @SomaliRose tl;dr