Apparently it takes a brain to tell that Muslim girls in Muslim countries don't wear dresses like this (though I've seen and heard about it in Thailand), that she's not just 9, that it's just a bundle of clothing under her dress, and that Muslims don't have gender reveal parties (is that what this is?)
Wow I feel so ignorant?
What do little Muslim girls wear in western countries? Isn't it possibly this is not taking place in a Muslim country?
@TriptychTwinsRidesAgain Looks like we're heading into a massive fuck up thanks to numbnuts here. (Love this meme!)
He's decided to paralyse Parliament as he last semi-legal act. Considering both of his wins were subsidised by Chinese election interference, it's difficult to see how he's even a legit PM.
He's going to drag this out until arrested while our economy goes even further to shit! $662 billion debt!
@HebrideanHecate The sheer insanity of this! Makes my blood boil.
What century are these supposed protectors of society living in?
Actually WHAT SOCIETY are they living in when they come to believe that a TWELVE YEAR OLD HAS SEXUAL AGENCY!??!?!
Most people don't even realise today including ADULT prostitutes themselves how horribly they're exploiting THEIR OWN SELVES.
In this day when (the average person is) we're just beginning to understand physics, it's shocking that people still believe EVERYONE has total FREE WILL. Free will is an illusion promoted by capitalism in order to convince us we're not totally slaves to the their machines.
Most humans have so few options that there's little resembling choice in the matter. And to pretend that CHILDREN HAVE FREE WILL is the most bizarre sickening concept ever. Pedophiles use it to EXCUSE THEIR CRIMINAL ACTIONS against KIDS!
Are all of these police and social workers UNKNOWINGLY supporting the foulest most sick pedophiles? They've been instrumental in forwarding and excusing troons, and they go hand in hand with pedos.
@Sherri_Ingrey@polarisera That's pretty much what I'm thinking when I see these articles about the sickies. It's like people were already having a lot of serious medical problems - what did they would happen?
And I warned about it so many times. Some of it's still pinned.
I thought I'd find hundreds of men denying this but it turns out I found the image on X: posted by an OnlyFans DOMINATRIX ON X!!! And the main commenters are other dommes! GAH.
Thus proving that women are just as bad as men say we are! ALL WOMEN! We're systematically killing and maiming men just by our manipulations! AND we're killing the babies men bestow upon us so kindly. Not MEN. Men do not kill babies, EVVAAAR!
Dina has some great insights on this thread and her TL.
Some fuckhead comes along to post the sickest porn in order to ""PROVE"" that trannies aren't the sickest sexual offenders and generally the most hideous criminals of all. I reported him for graphic disgusting porn. Now there's a whole new section on reporting porn which I didn't read that carefully but looks like there may now be a way of reducing the amount of the most HORRID PORN but once again will be a lot of work by members, staff and AIs that don't always have a clue how to solve a report.
@polarisera@KeepTakingTheSoma It's not only the UK who is treating criminals lightly. This seems to be an overall trend in the Five Eyes and many other countries. No doubt it has something to do with the chaos required by massive capital and agencies such as the WEF and many others who require chaos and violence to keep people afraid, stressed out and too sick to operate normally much less be impervious to the state's manipulation and propaganda.
And yes, greedy corporations are a huge problem but so far, no amount of recompense is stopping companies like Pfizer and Moderna who've never produced a single cure or even a working vaccine yet still rake in more billions than many other less unscrupulous corps.
(Whenever I see the word 'corporation', I hear the abbreviation as 'corpse' and I think of the humongous dead bodies they are, seeking to kill even more bodies for fun and profit.)
@LuvGreenTea2019 Sure would be interesting to find out. I also want to know about Canada's head doc (named Chief Public Health Officer (CPHO) in June 2017), Theresa Tam who suggested people use glory holes during convid!
She/he really looks like a man but he's very small. He's HK Chinese originally. But lots of women do tend to look more mannish as they age?
Also apparently never had a clinical practice but sure does have a lot of degrees. Personal life is completely private so far.
@LuvGreenTea2019 Oh yeah, I forgot about this tape. Hm...she was a pretty crazy person herself no? Or was she one of the less crazy despite the surgery?
@LuvGreenTea2019 He/she does. And that glory hole advice FFS - that was supposedly for married couples.
If we ever get rid of Trudeau, this character will be going along with him - that's assuming whoever's next isn't really just another WEF young leader.
This is an AKA.Old crone, celibate bi. Grandmother.Stood with Shar Valerious ('sign lady';) at the March On YVR Jan 2018 (if anyone remembers that far back!)Art is mine. Cover is my photo of my garden.