Imagine how the USA would react, say if Russia jokingly said it was going to annex the US! LMAO
These people are fucking insensitive assholes.
If people were really serious about 'helping' and Trump wasn't about grabbing up stuff, they could put together our law-enforcement and tackle some of our mutual problems together instead of trying to outdo each other by taxing the other's citizens.
I note that neither T-boy OR T-man will lose anything on any of these deals!
T-boy will skate away free because Canuck law is too afraid to arrest him and T-man will get our resources for even more cheaply, cover the country with military bases and do the same things to Canada that they did to Ukraine which caused Russia to attack in the first place.
T-boy should be facing prison now and Trump is likely one of the few authorities that could possibly make that come to pass but of course he can't because that also would mean war.
(It's funny, on X, ppl think I hate Trump and here ppl have assumed I love him, when in fact, I dislike all of these posturing faux-leaders and wish they'd think for a moment about WOMEN! AND KIDS!)