@KeepTakingTheSoma@HebrideanHecate@TriptychTwinsRidesAgain What would life be for the average worker without unions? Before labor unions, 10-12 hours work days 6 or 7 days a week, low pay, no sick leave, child labor rampant, and dangerous working conditions. If an employee lost a hand or arm in the machinery, they would just find another worker to fill his or her spot.
Yes, from what I've read, the monster is an illegal immigrant from Guatemala. Illegal immigration has gotten totally out of control. Who the hell knows what crimes he committed in his own country.
He is innocent until proven guilty, but it looks like he is the man who set the sleeping woman on fire.
"A document, distributed to law enforcement officials, reports that Robert Card had stayed in a mental health facility for two weeks in the summer of 2023.
He was in the Army Reserve and is a firearms instructor.
Robert Card is a United States Army Reservist, certified firearms instructor and was assigned to a training center located in Saco, Maine. "
Let the EEOC know that employers should not be forced to allow employees to use wrong-sex facilities (such as bathrooms) or liable if their employees refuse to use wrong-sex pronouns.
@HebrideanHecate "There is now little hope of leaving the territory, after Israeli crossings were shut and Egypt was forced to close its only crossing point with Gaza due to nearby air strikes."
Where are they going to go? Gaza is trapped by the Mediterranean Sea on one side, Israel on the other side, and Egypt to the south. It has been called an "open air prison" because it's surrounded by a huge "security fence" that Israel controls. Israel controls everything that comes and goes into Gaza. Gaza is dependent on Israel for its water, electricity, telecommunications, and other utilities Gaza is a densely occupied Palestinian territory.
In the name of all that is holy, the women and children should be able to flee. There should have been some safe passage for women, kids, elderly, and disabled before Israel starting bombing the shit out of Gaza.
I do NOT support Hamas. I condemn Hamas for what it has done, but starving innocent people is morally wrong.
"Gaza's only power plant has run out of fuel, and medical and food supplies are dwindling, after another night which saw hundreds scramble onto the streets to flee relentless air strikes.
The situation for 2.3 million people in Gaza is increasingly desperate, with no way of leaving the tiny territory.
The only power station in Gaza stopped operating completely on Wednesday at 14:00 local time (11:00 GMT), authorities say.
Israel cut essential supplies, including fuel, to the sealed-off territory on Monday following a violent incursion by Hamas militants."
@AnungIkwe Christopher Columbus - The Genocidal Rapist Slave-Trader
True. He slaughtered thousands for gold and greed.
In the U.S., Columbus Day is still a federal holiday. Why in the hell was a federal holiday named after him? Columbus didn't discover the "New World". The Vikings traveled to North America almost 500 years before Columbus.
California and Delaware have dispensed with the holiday entirely.
More than a dozen states and the District of Columbia dropped Columbus Day and celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day. The states include Alabama, Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont, Virginia and Wisconsin.
"How was the border in Israel breached so easily and in plain view? In such a heavily guarded region, no Israeli soldier to be found? Israel has the most sophisticated military equipment in the world. There is something very strange about this brutal attack on innocent civilians."
Good Question. Israel has a LONG history of false flags. I'm not saying this was one, and I condemn the attack and Hamas. I pray for peace in the Middle East.
>>> Read this before it's deleted:
"Hearing that a lawn-mower powered paraglider was what penetrated the most secure and surveilled parameter on earth, in broad daylight..."
"In light of the recent events and the current climate of labelling anything that challenge your bias, “fake news”. I think it’s important to look back at the history of False Flag operations, a very incendiary, and controversial phrase, that’s used too lightly and often immediately dismissed. Hearing that a lawn-mower powered paraglider was what penetrated the most secure and surveilled parameter on earth, in broad daylight, I immediately thought of the King David Hotel Bombing, USS liberty incident and the Lavon Affair. The King David hotel bombing was planned and executed by Irgun (Zionist Terrorist Organization), founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky. Bibi’s father, Benzion Netanyahu served as his Secretary."
At any rate, you aren't going to get answers from corporate owned mainstream news. These are the people that told us that Building 7 (not hit by a plane) came down in free fall acceleration. The BBC said Building 7 came down 20 minutes before it actually collapsed. They told us that there were WMDs in Iraq in 2003. They also told us that Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy.
@Flick Homeless women have high rates of mental illness and histories of abuse and PTSD. Some are fleeing domestic violence, and others have been attacked on the street. It's unconscionable to house males in women's homeless shelters.
This article written by a woman who worked in a shelter appeared in Feminist Current a couple of years ago.
"Protecting men at the women’s shelter"
"When women objected to the man masturbating in a nearby bed at night, a coworker mocked the women’s prudery to me, expecting I would find it equally absurd. How puritanical and square to be upset by some guy jerking off to pornography three feet away! My coworker did not write a report about the complaint. I did, but nothing came of it. Several weeks later, the man was restricted from the shelter, after threatening to shoot everyone, but his public masturbation and the distress it caused women trying to sleep in neighbouring beds was never addressed."