@KeepTakingTheSoma@sim@HebrideanHecate I think perception does change. Just look at how homosexuality was dealt with in the first half of the 1900s, even in the 60s and 70s. Electroshock treatments, conversion therapy through coercive and forced sex with the opposite sex, psychiatric institutions (my mother once threatened to have me institutionalized), the insults and name-calling, homosexuality meant perversion, lesbians lost the right to raise their child if they had comp-het relationships before coming to accept themselves, and the rest. Now I'm sure some people still hold those beliefs against gays, bisexuals and lesbians, but they know they are outnumbered so they keep quiet.
Another example. Women having children out of wedlock and so on.
@sim@HebrideanHecate There are so many of these perverts, even completely out in the open, I can't believe some people still think oh it's not so bad, really. Every single day, we see some type of story with different sickos involved. The out of the norm situation is to have a day when we don't see any story on this shit. Sometimes, I despair so much, I avoid completely the news.
@sim@HebrideanHecate The media plants this seed in the public's brain so that they get more and more accustomed to the idea and then the next thing you know, a couple of years from now, the public's perception starts to change to accept these sexual criminals and put pressure on their government to lessen prison terms till eventually there are none at all left, not even a slap on the wrist.
@HebrideanHecate I wonder what the well-learned and educated (cough cough) academics/Head Girls have to say about this? Or are they keeping quiet in the hopes that this mess dies down?
@HebrideanHecate@salltweets Maybe you could ask Sall on Twitter a link to original documents so we can keep bookmark. This is really important and we should have copies and links.
I love it when some fucking moronic wokie, with the reading skills and attention span of a gnat, enters a thread on this subject and says yeah, but what about the catholic church? Hunh? Hunh?
How stupid can you be! One does not negate the other and it just goes to prove children have been harmed for decades, centuries, millennia, and that it's high time it stops now, for all our belief that we have come a long way since then, it's more than time we start proving it. And for the most part, we can say the catholic church is at least trying to clean out its stables: through lawsuits, it has cost them dearly and, at least here, churches are empty and they are struggling to survive.
TeamRealTERF #TeamJuliaLong #IStandWithKJKSuperLesbian, NOT queer. Montréal, Québec. French is my native tongue. Banned from Twitter and now Tumblr. Suspended (technically banned) on Instagram. ?"Someone once asked me what I regarded as the three most important requirements for happiness. My answer was: A feeling that you have been honest with yourself and those around you; a feeling that you have done the best you could both in your personal life and in your work; and the ability to love others." - Eleanor Roosevelt