@Biff@lisaselindavis It's so cruel. I remember reading something by a teacher or teaching assistant, who said that one of the main emotions that susceptible children feel when they are shown videos like this and believe they are suddenly privy to this previously hidden knowledge, is an unbridled rage at their parents for keeping this from them. It's a wedge in the parent child relationship that in some cases they never recover from.
@polarisera I had a baby during lockdown, when I told the booking midwife that I wasn't going to have the vax and that I'd like to know more about a home birth given what was going on, and that I was even prepared to pay or a private midwife, her entire attitude towards me changed. She was abrupt, rude and really defensive (especially about the private midwife, something perfectly acceptable in the ROI and elsewhere in the UK, but not NI). It wasn't until about 6 months in that I actually spoke to a midwife who was prepared to discuss it with me, and only then because I think they were worried that I might free birth it.
@HebrideanHecate@sim The close proximity to the art industry would suggest it's probably one big money laundering exercise these days. Oh and people trafficking too if you count the more unsavoury elements that attach themselves to the modelling industry.
@sim Haven't read the article, but fashion houses make most of their money from fragrance sales. The runway stuff is basically one big advert for that, and haute couture in particular is just one big art exhibition.
@sim@HebrideanHecate A cousin of mine is writing a book about Vivianne Westwood, I think the late 70s and early 80s was a big time for runway fashion, so I wonder whether she'll address what was the power behind it. I mean, McClaren was a big pusher of punk as fashion and he is as odd as they come, not to mention and exploitative crook.
@HebrideanHecate I love this. The time of year and female exclusivity would to me at least, suggest a possible link to an old pagan fertility ritual or event 🤔 who knows
If my lot do accidently order something using a linked account, I usually get a password request or a notice of purchase/order that allows me to cancel. Some people deserve to be parted from their money, they really do.
@TriptychTwinsRidesAgain My dad's a committed toon fan, season ticket holder for years. I'll have to ask him how much of this is actually filtering through to the general fans... Though his particular fan circle mightn't be typical, they all met through supporting their daughters through sport.
@Ladyfat I don't really want to read on account of the fucking hell, but I'd lay money on amphetamines or coke being involved. Mix those with porn and you have a recipe for depravity.