(Unison, the largest trade union representing nurses, is virulently captured by the trans cult, and this week passed a motion by show of hands at its Women’s Conference asserting that transwomen are women, boasting that nobody had dared to even speak against it. In fact several had wanted to do so, but were terrified by the atmosphere in the hall, whipped up by its aggressive male president Steve North and former president Libby Nolan, whose answer to any question on the issue is to simply spew a string of trans flags at people.)
But these revelations just illustrate how it can lurk below the surface of public bodies with no outward signs. It may not have influenced Mary Lockhart, but with 44% of people in the UK now claiming to know a trans person it’s highly likely that misguided sympathy for friends and family members is a major part of how the ideology has managed to secure such a strong foothold so fast.
Whoever at NHS Fife is responsible has driven the authority into a quagmire whose ramifactions look set to be very costly in all sorts of ways, and it’s impossible to predict how much more trouble the infestation of healthcare with a toxic, harmful quasi-religious creed will cause until it’s rooted out and replaced with people who put patients before activism.
@HebrideanHecate@TriptychTwinsRidesAgain Trade Unions have not been useful to working people for a long time. They only benefit the political activists and those with cushy jobs on the payroll. Change my mind.
@TriptychTwinsRidesAgain It's not his money that's being spaffed. Now if the courts fined the people who enacted shit policies and then wasted public money, it might change.
Ah - you're the person who wasted NHS money on a spurious case. You'd better put your house on the market and file for bankruptcy. I hear that the local corner shop is hiring, but with your track record, you might struggle to get a job there as they only hire people who are honest and trustworthy.
@KeepTakingTheSoma@HebrideanHecate@TriptychTwinsRidesAgain What would life be for the average worker without unions? Before labor unions, 10-12 hours work days 6 or 7 days a week, low pay, no sick leave, child labor rampant, and dangerous working conditions. If an employee lost a hand or arm in the machinery, they would just find another worker to fill his or her spot.