@LaylaAlexandrovna It's always seemed like an odd thing to do. Why would the dems make a man pretend to be a woman when a gay black president would have hit several jackpots for the identitarians? A trans first lady would have been even more on point. Epstein was killed for sure.
@KeepTakingTheSoma I think it stems from the idiotic trope that black women are 'masculine'. What a crock. Men just can't resist calling women they don't like SOMETHING. If they're not a total bitch then they're probably a tranny!
I notice a lot of guys are intimidated by black women so of course they have to figure out a way to beat them down.
@LuvGreenTea2019 He/she does. And that glory hole advice FFS - that was supposedly for married couples.
If we ever get rid of Trudeau, this character will be going along with him - that's assuming whoever's next isn't really just another WEF young leader.
@LuvGreenTea2019 Oh yeah, I forgot about this tape. Hm...she was a pretty crazy person herself no? Or was she one of the less crazy despite the surgery?
@LuvGreenTea2019 Sure would be interesting to find out. I also want to know about Canada's head doc (named Chief Public Health Officer (CPHO) in June 2017), Theresa Tam who suggested people use glory holes during convid!
She/he really looks like a man but he's very small. He's HK Chinese originally. But lots of women do tend to look more mannish as they age?
Also apparently never had a clinical practice but sure does have a lot of degrees. Personal life is completely private so far. https://carleton.ca/senate/theresa-tam/
@LaylaAlexandrovna@LuvGreenTea2019 I think that nobody is allowed to stand for any form of election until they've been to Klaus Schwab's finishing school and also been blackmailed on Epstein's Island. That way anyone in office can be controlled. It's the only thing that makes any sense.