@Flick @stephagain Sargent Fury was originally a WWII comic book character. The chances of him being a black man during our last segregated war were nil.
Samuel L Jackson does a really excellent job playing him in the Avengers.
@Flick @stephagain Sargent Fury was originally a WWII comic book character. The chances of him being a black man during our last segregated war were nil.
Samuel L Jackson does a really excellent job playing him in the Avengers.
@Flick @stephagain They didn't want a non white character. They wanted an actor who lobbied for the job --- lobbying for a job is a sign of commitment.
Fury is a major character in a major movie franchise. Swapping race can work, especially in a fantasy franchise. He's a prime example.
There are far more ways they change her stories than a single line describing a single character. Those bother me far more.
@racs Um, yes indeedy, the world is dependent on exports from California.
First thing that happens, global food prices increase (see effects 2002 to 2010, depth of the drought).
You may be able to afford paying more, but I doubt you'll find the effects pleasant. Things have a tendency to effect even those who lock themselves in a bunker underground.
Of course some of that will be unavoidable already.
@polarisera You mean stopping them from allocating taxpayer money back to taxpayers in ways the representatives elected by taxpayers have legally decided?
You mean that stealing? The stealing that was preventing it from going into Musk's pocket?
@quasi @polarisera Do you know why he went after the Consumer Finance Bureau? He's planning to turn X into a version of PayPal, and the CFB would be the organization that oversaw that.
There is also the multimillion $$ contract State announced to be Tesla cybertrucks. They claimed Biden approved that deal, but it was a fraction of what Trump will give him.
There is the FAA head he forced out, the air traffic safety inspectors he fired --- those people regulate Space X. Plus, he's insisting the FAA end their long term contract with a competitor and use Starlink instead.
He's stolen contracts without going through the bidding process, he's stolen from his competitors, and he's stealing billion$$ from the US taxpayers with no accountability.
He's also undermined and/or destroyed NOAA, which provides weather information to farmers, and people who live in hurricane and/or tornado zones. Rumor has it, he did that so the guy from Accuweather can privatize and charge consumers for information that should be freely available.
This list, FYI, goes on.
@polarisera @quasi The delusional comedy bit you do I enjoy the most is that you think you speak for America.
Trump is underwater on his approval ratings, and Musk is deeply underwater on his approval ratings.
Maybe you need to stop projecting.
@polarisera @warmbeverageenjoyer @quasi Look at that red line climbing
@polarisera @warmbeverageenjoyer @quasi Projecting again.
44% of the viewership thought it was positive. That's down from 52%+ who thought his speech in 2017 was positive, and down from all SOTU speeches given since 1993.
A large portion of the country simply didn't watch, so that's 44% of an audience of mostly Republican Trump voters who liked what he had to say.
@polarisera @warmbeverageenjoyer @quasi No, I did not.
Polls need to be compiled to see a trend and outliers should be dismissed.
Also, you need to look inside the poll to see the trend. The partisan splits give you sentiment; the independents help you see the trends.
Open that Reuters poll and take a gander. It would break your little MAGAt heart.
@polarisera @warmbeverageenjoyer @quasi 538 doesn't provide its own data. It's a compilation of other polls. Disney is cutting a lot of services. RCP, OTOH, is funded by a RW oligarch, and provides more right leaning partisan polls (eg Rasmussen) in its data.
Even there, 48.8 approval is underwater.
@Leyonhjelm @polarisera @warmbeverageenjoyer @quasi Math is hard, ain't it?
Whole discussion is how a little knowledge on polisera's part is a dangerous thing.
@polarisera @Leyonhjelm @warmbeverageenjoyer @quasi You mean how he predicted the race was close in 2024 or how he warned people that electoral college decides the election in 2016?
I realize you have a narrative. That narrative is that no one knows anything outside of your cult.
@polarisera @Leyonhjelm @warmbeverageenjoyer @quasi Yeah, babee!!
Oversampling is the problem here!
Happy Fat Tuesday to all who celebrate.
@ninapaley Doesn't have a 100% guarantee that you don't get the flu, but helps you fight it off. Standard disclaimer on all flu shots.
Fewer people got the vaccine this year, so more people got sick. Current number is more people died from flu than COVID.
We have a quademic rn: seasonal flu, COVID, bird flu and norovirus circulating.
Flu season worst in a decade
So far, there have been at least 29 million illnesses and 370,000 hospitalizations related to the flu -- the most since the 2015-2016 season, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's weekly flu report.
@polarisera @ninapaley What we know: Not taking the flu shot makes the flu season worse.
a little bit of truth a lot of conjecture and outright lies, and they hit a homer into your heads.
@p Hardly son.
You've been played.
@p All hope of credibility. Any shred whatsoever.
(PSST: The NYTimes published a quite a lot of wikileaks until people started figuring out Assange has an agenda.)
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