@Economic_Hitman@sun Yes, they can!! But there is almost nothing I hate more than pockets in a skirt or dress, because they float around and tickle my thighs/hips or they add a shit ton of bulk to your silhouette. So they are a definite no from me.
@AnungIkwe What a waking nightmare. Every time I see outrageous things like this, I always catch myself asking who could do this? Why would someone do this? And then I remind myself that we all know who did it and why. Some sick man somewhere did it, because he could. This poor child...
@Ladyfat@Sherri_Ingrey@againstgrmrs This. The other day I just saw a post alleging that single mothers create mass shooters. 🙄 Without a single hint of irony or awareness that the common denominator in all single mother households is the lack of a father and a father who walked out on and abandoned his family...leaving the mother to pick up the pieces and become a superhero who has to not only fill the role of a mother, but also a father to their child.
But it's just so much easier to blame women, instead of holding someone accountable, (boys and men) for their own actions...and I say boys and men, because 99% of all mass shooters in the US have been male.
@KeepTakingTheSoma@Ladyfat Omfg!!! Core memory unlocked!! 😍 I used to LOVE this show when I was a kid...and this episode specifically!! I had even tried to find it as an adult and never could, because I didn't know what it was called. I loved how the bubblebath overflowed and it all looked like cottage cheese! 😆
@Fullycaffeinated Yes I've heard that point made before...that when you're talking to someone, you don't really say he or her much to that person, it's mostly "you." So they are trying to control how you talk about them to others and when they are not around.
"Thanks a lot society for railroadin' MY ASS!!!" -Aileen WuornosTo burn the witch is to admit that magic exists. Feelin' cute...might curse you later, idk...(If you're a new account with no posts-I won't accept you. I only accept Spinsters that engage and contribute to conversation...otherwise I will suspect you as a spy ?️♀️).