She didn’t merit the national media coverage that Gabby Petito did. 😞😢
Emily was listed as "Missing/Runaway." Emily wasn’t publicly identified until last week after a memo was leaked from the Gila County Sheriff’s Office on social media. The memo said her head and torso were found in trash bags and some of her remains are still missing." She was not the first or only young girl to have run away from the group home where she stayed.
"Justice for Emily" was written in red plastic cups at the intersection of Mesa Drive and McKellips Road in Mesa, the last place 14-year-old Emily Pike was seen alive.
A vigil, put on by the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, is not just for Emily, but for all MMIWP, or Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and People.
@FemaleIsNotAFeeling It was all over FB today that the group home she was in was very bad and there were over 30 other girls missing from that one institution. Everyone's speculating that there was child sex trafficking out of that place. Natives are trying to bring National attention to Emily's case.
@AnungIkwe What a waking nightmare. Every time I see outrageous things like this, I always catch myself asking who could do this? Why would someone do this? And then I remind myself that we all know who did it and why. Some sick man somewhere did it, because he could. This poor child...