@william How do they explain photos of the death camps with the emaciated starving captives? And the photos of dead bodies?
There are videos on YouTube right now of some Nazis/ex Nazis that told some of the stories of what they did.
Do they think Hitler was fake? How do they explain him away? There are so many videos of him and his famous speeches.
What of the death camps like Auschwitz that still remain today and are open to the public to tour like a museum? What about all the hair and the teeth on display there that the Nazis took from the gassed bodies?
Jews still live with their serial numbers tattooed on and faded by history. So much more stuff, it's not worth entertaining the lie. Any holocaust denier is sick and hoping to repeat history one day.
@LaylaAlexandrovna I just did that! It helped me to feel refreshed, but still hurts. I just took a big horse pill of motrin and am laying down for the night trying not to move. It's in that state where if I push it, I'll throw my back out and be out for a week.
@SomaliRose@Gelatinousrube@LaylaAlexandrovna That is great advice! A while back I was actually trying to get into stretching my hamstrings...you know bend over touch your toes and my lower back and hamstrings were so tight at first, but I was able to go farther and farther easier with time.
Then I stopped doing it...and now that I think of it, that may be why I'm having back problems again, because I let myself get all tightened up again. I am definitely going to start that up again and I think I need to make myself do it every morning.
@1ammyb0dy It's a controversial thing, but there are circumstances where it's better off going to a new home. If the animal is going to be neglected, it's probably better off being somewhere else where it will be loved and appreciated.
My sister had a chihuahua that shed had for like 15 years and rehomed it to a friend when she had kids, because the dog was snappy and would bite and she didn't want it biting the baby.
@william I can definitely write lyrics...I've got an ear for rhymes. It's a going joke on Spinster that Anung Ikwe is the Spinster archivist and I'm the Spinster lyricist. Always writing little poems and diddies lol. I have a poem pinned on my page here called "They called me a terf."
I can sing pretty well, but I'm nervous to perform publicly. I sing to myself a lot. I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to laying vocals on some of my tracks in the future if I ever get around to it.
@Piss_Ant@Doll People do all kinds of horrible stuff to animals for likes online, unfortunately. One of the reasons I hate the internet age.
There's a lot of them that starve their cats so they will ferociously consume unnatural foods that cats wouldn't normally eat, like corn on the cob, radishes, and cucumber while making "Om-nom-nom-nom-" sounds as they growl while chewing.
Idiots love those food ones in particular. Those are really popular on Facebook. "Oh it's so cute!" and all that. Just fueling the demand for more animal abuse. I have no faith in humanity...I don't trust many of the viral videos where cats are like jerking away with dilated eyes and screaming and are framed as cute and stuff. Cats have no concept of drama. I see right through that. I've been a cat owner for way too long to be fooled by the dupes.
@Doll@Piss_Ant Ugh...I hate videos like that. Someone is clearly pinching the cat to get it to jump and scream like that. In no way is that a normal reaction for any cat.
@tangleofsnakes@LisbonMuse I was about that age too when I was exposed to it...about 12 or 13. I remember hearing the term "blow job" from kids being thrown around at school and googled that at home...I found out real fast what it was.
"And now it’s common for kids to have smartphones and tablets…"
This is so true pretty much across the board and I am 100% against it. My sister got my nephew a smart phone for his 10th birthday and when I saw him open that up, my eyes grew so wide and my heart just sank.
If he was my son, there wouldn't even be a debate. There would be NO smart phone, period! And if anyone wanted to argue about needing one for emergencies, then get your damn kid a flip phone that doesn't have internet. Yes, they still sell them today. I don't know why that's so hard. It pisses me off so much. Really disagree with my sister on that choice.
"Thanks a lot society for railroadin' MY ASS!!!" -Aileen WuornosTo burn the witch is to admit that magic exists. Feelin' cute...might curse you later, idk...(If you're a new account with no posts-I won't accept you. I only accept Spinsters that engage and contribute to conversation...otherwise I will suspect you as a spy ?️♀️).