@petra@machciv@Starprophet1@CatLord@TrevorGoodchild@professionalbigot69 South America is the way it is because of the importation of African slaves, Indio's, and those two intermixing and generally overwhelming the old European over-class. A solar system settled with a combination of Mars bases, Moon bases, and a great many O'Neil cylinder habs will not have any problems with natives or ethnic mixing, at least not on any great scale.
The people that go out and settle in the first few waves are going to largely be self selecting and homogenous. Pajeets, black Africans, and Jews aren't generally known for being frontiersmen and adventurers. They usually show up only after towns are established and running. There's also the fact that it's a lot harder to just walk or sail up to a habitat and set up shop compared to a terrestrial town. The people inside have to decide to let you in. A nation-state made up of 40 or 60 O'Neil cylinders chained together that was built by white Europeans who fled the diversity of Earth are unlikely to repeat the mistakes of their ancestors.
@Starprophet1@petra@CatLord@TrevorGoodchild@machciv@professionalbigot69 At first, for certain. Still, I suspect that would come down a tad as habitat construction matures. If you have a nation state of 80 O'Neil cylinders chained together, with each one 8 to 12 miles long and 5 miles across, you're going to start to run out of 120+ IQ types. You're going to need someone to do the janitorial work, work the harvest in the hydroponics farms, be shop keepers, hair dressers, etc.
If you put the most dangerous things beyond their reach (airlocks and power generation in restricted areas), and make an environment more or less Earth like, you might be able to have those 110 IQ and even 100 IQ people do the more mundane jobs. It would also be at this point when you could start to get infiltration by Pajeets and others. More than anything else, these future people will have to remember the lesson we never learned; pick your own damned cotton.
@Starprophet1@petra@CatLord@TrevorGoodchild@machciv@professionalbigot69 I guess what I'm saying is that at some point in the future - maybe far future - when the chains of habitats grow to the point they are largely self supporting legit nations, you're going to need people to do the relative grunt work. If you're looking at something with the living area comparable to California, you're going to have millions of people there, living and working their entire lives, and they can't all be that above average. If you get to the point where life on a large habitat is more or less Earth like, you don't need everyone to have a masters in electrical engineering. A habitat the size of Orange Country isn't going to be the same as living aboard a sub.
You don't want dullards, but a nation of 9 million Ivy League grads seems seems unlikely. I have my doubts even eugenics can push a population's IQ that far.
@ryan Until the non-activist trans/gay/other's stand up and publicly reject and repudiate the crazed and evil activists, it has to be assumed they, at the very least, passively enjoy the benefits that accrue to them from the actions of said activists. If people like you do evil in your name, and you do not loudly reject them, it has to be assumed you quietly agree with them, meaning you share in their guilt.
Spiteful, neurotic, and at that point very panicked because their conventional forces are no longer sufficient, why wouldn't the arrogant retards let fly? Sort of how a woman cop often just shoots a man dead where a male cop might be able to subdue a suspect without killing him.
@Humpleupagus@ceo_of_monoeye_dating@Paulyfrog64@VaxxSabbath No such thing as a "good" lawyer. At their very best, there are idealistic lawyers, often foolish and naïve, that have yet to turn sour. Lawyers are, by and large, mercenaries. They serve a needed function, like prostitutes and actors, but like prostitutes and actors, they are almost always disreputable people decent folk would do well to avoid whenever necessary.
If I had a magic wish and could only use it to change the legal system, I would do away with what we have and replace it with some kind of Thunder Dome operation. Maybe, if I were in a good mood, I would allow the defendants and complainants to hire professional gladiators to fight on their behalf. Trial by combat would be more fair, less prone to corruption, and less noxious than what we have now.
@VaxxSabbath@Humpleupagus@ceo_of_monoeye_dating@Paulyfrog64 There's a scene in the TV show Firefly (I know I know, TV) where a semi-crazy bounty hunter is talking to the ship's doctor. He tells the doctor that surgeons should be shot, or stabbed or whatever. They should understand the kind of pain and shock their patients go through. That scene always stuck with me.
Maybe we should force all our lawyers and politicians to be randomly snatched off the streets, tried for crimes real or imagined, then thrown in prison for a year. Same for banksters.
@judgedread@haberdasher Didn't someone on /pol/ suggest that the rise in autism may be an evolutionary development in response to humans being bombarded by modern sales techniques and constant cultural manipulation perpetrated by intelligence agencies?
Blacks in Africa were constantly exposed to malaria, so developed sickle cell anemia. Modern Westerners are constantly exposed to psy-ops and mind jobs, so we developed higher levels of autism to ward off the effects.