@sickburnbro Man, all government is scum, but i gonna feel bad when Trump goes all Sessions on Homan and throws him under the bus for trying to do his job.
@HonkHonkBoom@PopulistRight While it is smart to understand that he doesn't work for you, I think the model of him being "owned" by jews is probably wrong. There was nothing obvious forcing him into 2016. The GOP was happy with running Jeb! and everything was more or less going as the system was happy with. The jews were getting what they wanted.
Then again with this year. The democrats made sure they tried their best to discourage him from running again. He is now a marked man unless he utterly destroys them. It's again hard to see what the jews would get from forcing him into this position when this is the system they forged.
@sickburnbro "Prioritize" BUSTING the EMPLOYERS of Illegal-Invaders. That solves 95%+ of the problem. All the rest is 2ndary.
> Immigration law doesn't exist for the purpose of keeping criminals out (Obama's "Bad Hombres"). It exists to protect all aspects of American life. The work site, the welfare office, the education system, and everything else. That is why immigration limits are established in the first place.
> If we only enforced the laws against crime ("Bad Hombres"), then we have an open border to the entire world. > We will enforce all of our immigration laws. > In a Trump Administration, all immigration laws will be enforced. > Will be enforced.
Trump's "Immigration Policy Speech" in Phoenix AZ, 2016
@PopulistRight@sickburnbro I mean, you know it's all horseshit,, right? there might be a few token deportations far below the level of invasions for that day,, but he absolutely will never do anything to slow down his owner's kalergi plot, Zion Donnie is fully on board with White Genocide...
Prove me wrong orange faggot, I dare ya. (he can't, his owners would off him if he tried)
@sickburnbro@PopulistRight They were getting slight pushback from the dems... and considering he sacrificed his children to the synagog of satan and lt a demon breed mischling abominations with them to terrorize humanity, yeah, he's owned, not just financially, but even his grandchildren's survival is tied to his absolute subservience to the children of the devil. And there is literally zero benefit to his or his family in betraying them.
@HonkHonkBoom@PopulistRight yes, Ivanka is married to a jew, but remember, he's a boomer who has had multiple wives, I don't know if he looks at his children or grandchildren that way.
@PopulistRight@sickburnbro A real E-verify program with stiff, mandatory penalties for not just companies that hire illegals, but for the individuals that hire them would solve probably 80% of the problem. ICE could focus on going after employers instead of illegals, which would rob the open borders crowd of powerful PR images. No more faux outrage when the news shows those meanie ICE agents leading the poor illegals workers away in cuffs, families crying. Instead there would only be images of white corporate types doing perp walks. Instead of sympathizing with the poor brown people being hassled by The Man, people would nod in satisfaction, because no one likes suits and the HR lady.
Then it you could apply the same system to housing, then cut off all the gibs to illegals. No jobs, no housing, no gibs, and they go home.
@PopulistRight@HonkHonkBoom the thing that most works for him is ironically that he's so big it means he likely isn't owned by any of them ( but worked with all of them )
@sickburnbro@HonkHonkBoom He went from rich-kid to "mogul" via Roy Cohen, et-al = the Jewish Mob. He was a nice goy-face front-man for them. I find it hard to believe they don't have enough compramat on him to control him completely.
@AsukaNeko@PopulistRight@HonkHonkBoom the trials aren't the interesting part. the assassination attempt where the fbi and secret service are complicit are the real interesting part.
@PopulistRight@sickburnbro@HonkHonkBoom How is it even a mystery what they have on him. They just showed him how they can get a trial and jury to convict him on anything they want regardless of its absurdity. It does as it's told or spends the rest of its days in the hole.
@sickburnbro@HonkHonkBoom By that time (80s), the FBI's mandate was to eliminate all competition to the Jewish mob. They do sometimes take out Jews who "go rogue" - by not sharing-into the Mob's pyramid payoff system, or who engage in activity outside permitted limits.
Devon's video noted how Only ONE of the Trump casinos was hit with multiple money-laundering fines - not the others. This could have been to provide cover for ongoing operations.
Nixon -> Roger Stone -> Trump (met Stone through Roy Cohen) = makes sense. As to why The Jews to threw Nixon under the bus - maybe just that he recognized Jews were generally a problem - as revealed by the tapes - even if the Roy Cohen "patriot" faction "on the right" supported him. Trump's 2000 faux-run against "Hitler lover" / "hates the gays" Pat Buchanan in the Reform Party follows the pattern.
@AsukaNeko@PopulistRight@HonkHonkBoom indeed, there are things worse than death. Ironically, I think Musk is a good example of that - I think when he son got trans'd, he went out for blood.
But there have been hundreds of attempts to pin trump down using his ego, but I don't think we've seen any successful ones.
His bankruptcies in the early 90s might have been an attempt at control.
@AsukaNeko@sickburnbro@HonkHonkBoom All that "Trump Trial" stuff was designed to go away on appeal - just a SHOW to distract the peons from the "issues" during the R-Primary. Trump betrayed us non-stop on policy, then ran Phase-I of the Plandemic for The Enemy.
The same with Fake Russiagate - was never any evidence (see the released "Crowd Strike" secret testimony) - but, that got the Trumpsters to "rally around dear leader" while everything we/they just voted for was thrown in the trash, and the promised-policies reversed.
@PopulistRight@AsukaNeko@HonkHonkBoom this is just how the modern political game works - if you look at liberals they are still juiced up that he's a FELON.
The important thing you should take away from this is that those that view the system as legitimate ( conservatives ) have been seeing the system as more and more illegitimate.
@PopulistRight@AsukaNeko@HonkHonkBoom given all the people that the FBI has run that have committed violence, the most logical conclusion is they found a wacko kid that wanted to do it, trained him and "accidentally" didn't secure a perfect location for the shot.
> "Boss, Trump is STILL HATED, even after Biden SUCKED EVEN WORSE. We got him through the R-primary Morons, but much of The Base is NOT going to show up to vote for him, because he Betrayed them SO HARD the LAST time. Bibi is worried the Dim Base is too fractured by the ongoing massacre of 'poor brown people', to keep the bombs rolling in."
> "I know a way. Get the "MKUltra" guy on the phone. I'm sure he has someone we can use for a nice SHOW to generate enthusiasm. And get the acting-coach in for Trump. This is a type of scene he hasn't done before - will take some practice. And tell Rabbi Schmuley to tell RFK-Jr to prepare go from 'bait' to 'switch'; it's time to reel-in the wayward 'anti-vaxx' cattle."
I still think a nutter / moron who thought "Trump will DESTROY UR DEMOCRACY" is far more likely, though.