Older guys may not know but younger generations are getting weird by default. The huge presence of porn in their digital/inner life is mated to a relatively sterile IRL sexual resume - girls who pop their cherry to a hitachi, and not the fumbling attendance of a young man in the backseat.
It gives rise to girls who do funky, curious stuff like this because they went down the quixotic road of becoming a horny pervert with advanced sexual tasts in theory while never actually touching a man.
Get w/ an inexperienced zoomerella and she'll mention weirdo, silly things like "hey you should pee at the same time as me, pee between my legs lol"
They have an odd absence of propriety, she'll sit there and just play with your testicles while you laze around in bed because simply having a man is such a novel experience she wants to soak in your different-ness compared to her. Every little thing about the male form is new and fresh and not-her, so she's always finding weird new ways to benignly explore you. Sometimes cute and fun (trying to give you a boner when you need to pee thinking she's hacking your system), sometimes a little awkward and unsettling (I can't think of an example right now)
RT: https://nicecrew.digital/objects/c077ac96-4655-450c-b418-989983d02deb