Notices by lovelymiss (
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America is such an embarrassing clown show.
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I’m gonna sound like a crazy person but I think about it all the time.
I want to make reality what they say it is.
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You can not support Trump & be a White Nationalist at the same fuckin time.
The man exists to suck jew dick
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I think about this all the time!!
I know that nons are a negative in every way, but very rarely is the environmental impact of them brought up. They are destroyers of everything beautiful.
We would be better off being bombed than having a gajillion shit skins in our nations. They just eat & take & destroy. So much so, that you can see it in their countries from the fuckin space station.
Honestly- had we just left them alone & not fed them, mother nature would have killed most of them off just out of survival.
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imagine being a hotdog consumer 🤮
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I think because Whites know if they start killing out of revenge, they won’t stop. I think because we think things through & don’t have low impulse control, we know what we’re capable of if we start & I think that kind of scares people.
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This is gonna sound like a fed poast, but I swear it’s just curiosity… every time some new nigger stabbing hits the news I ponder this. I think its because of my upbringing or something- idk I was raised to believe that you don’t let shit slide so I wonder if that’s what it is… just hillbilly ghetto thinking I suppose.
But I don’t understand how there isn’t little groups of TND death squads wandering around right now. Especially in places where hundreds of people in one area have had their kids raped & shit (looking at you, UK). Like it’s one thing for people who’ve never had something happen to them just chill, but there are places where hundreds of people have experienced the horrors of shitskinnery.
I don’t understand how, under the cover of night, small groups haven’t gotten together to enact the kinds of justice that the government isn’t giving them- or not even a group, but just a lone person.
I mean, maybe it has happened but it’s kept under wraps so other people don’t get any ideas, but I feel like if it had, people would talk about it. Closest I’ve seen is the Irish burning down nog immigration centers (based Irish) but, I am legitimately surprised that not a lot of nons are getting capped in alleyways these days.
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I think you’re on to something tbh. Them showcasing that CEO getting shot like lit a fire under people lol.
People saw how easy it was… and the only reason the kid got caught was because he’s Italian & couldn’t resist flirting with some chick.
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Been practicing my watercolors.
I’m not like Colleen levels o’ mastery, but I’m trying.
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Me visiting Congress after I learn Chinese black magic on my new CCP app:
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The Chinese are surprisingly based tho.
Ngl- the Chinese app allows way more based shit than tiktok ever did
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Me, 3 days after downloading RedNote, learning Mandarin & watching my 14th puppies running through fall leaves video::
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There are 8,000 people in Rawlins WY & one nigger.
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Old timey schoolhouse on the WY/MT border.
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I’m doin a little babysitting rn & I swear to god, this little arm fat to hand wrist thing babies get is the cutest shid ever!!
Dat chonk! 🥰
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That CEO being capped is the only time outside of the first month Pokémon Go was launched where all Americans, regardless of political affiliation were united.
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Murder isnt wrong.
murder is just. Even God murdered. Killed entire populations in floods, raining fire.
All life isn’t sacred. Some life is worth more than others. even god knows this.
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That kind of attitude is why Whites are going extinct. Why Whites just sit back & let literal sub humans massacre their homes, their kin, their churches - and even their god.
When all the white Christians are gone, the garbage people - whose entire races arent worth a smidgen of what ours are, will care nothing for your god. He will go extinct along with us.
All cuz “life is sacred”
It’s not. Only white life is sacred.
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The crusades were based.
If Christians still had that crusader mindset, hundreds of thousands of European Christian girls wouldn’t be being raped ganged rn.
The most holy thing one can do is kill for their kin.
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I do those myself. 😏
- User ID
- 101434
- Member since
- 24 Feb 2023
- Notices
- 317
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