@PraxisOfEvil @StoleMyThundersBalls @givenup @BowsacNoodle @Turdicus all threads are about jews, the participants just don't always know it yet
Notices by Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)
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Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)'s status on Thursday, 04-Jul-2024 13:30:23 JST Växẍ Säbbäth
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Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)'s status on Thursday, 04-Jul-2024 13:30:21 JST Växẍ Säbbäth
@givenup @Turdicus @PraxisOfEvil @StoleMyThundersBalls @BowsacNoodle Cut Eurasia into pieces
This is my last resort
Don't give a fuck if the mischlings are squealing
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Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)'s status on Thursday, 04-Jul-2024 12:14:23 JST Växẍ Säbbäth
@AuntNorma @InvictusManeo @BroDrillard the "dolphin rape" story was particularly enlightening
I mean, I had already fully supported scouring the tributary watersheds of the Ganges clean of all human life just on the basis of how the river looks, but that just cemented it
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Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)'s status on Thursday, 04-Jul-2024 12:14:23 JST Växẍ Säbbäth
@AuntNorma @InvictusManeo @BroDrillard I imagine that the replacement rate for poojeets is going to be higher due to the monomaniacal persistence of the bindi sex pest and his predilection for rape
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Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)'s status on Wednesday, 03-Jul-2024 14:34:19 JST Växẍ Säbbäth
@cjd @msbellows @Humpleupagus @JedDrudge @eriner lol forever at that tweet
my prediction is on track: Trump's not gonna make it to the election, and no matter what happens - if he even just physically chokes while stuffing a Big Mac into his fat fucking face - morons like this are going to guarantee that literally everybody is going think he was Arkancided, and I am going to laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh as they panic and backpedal at warp speed (but it'll be way too late)
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Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)'s status on Wednesday, 03-Jul-2024 11:02:50 JST Växẍ Säbbäth
@JimmyTruth @Humpleupagus @Diceynes @msbellows @JedDrudge @eriner @CoQ_10 it isn't just the (((influence))), though; honestly compels us to acknowledge the following facts:
- probably 90% of the population has no business whatsoever being involved in any political process at all;
- the only long-term-viable incentive structure is one that saddles political actors with responsibility commensurate with their station, and makes it absolutely impossible for them to shirk or offload those responsibilities;
- people will always attempt to move their heirs to the front of the line - this is biological reality - but many traits (including "intelligence" and "ability to lead") are in fact at least partially heritable
- the ideal system has some permeability: a leadership caste not so inbred as to be completely separate from the people (thereby making it prone to becoming a nest of mutant retards), and with the ability for people to both rise into it via extraordinary performance and fall out of it due to extraordinary incompetence
put all that together, the result looks suspiciously like the Middle Ages
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Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)'s status on Wednesday, 03-Jul-2024 09:27:51 JST Växẍ Säbbäth
@Humpleupagus @Diceynes @msbellows @JedDrudge @eriner @CoQ_10 counterpoint: the entire concept of "divided sovereignty" is retarded on its face; there must be a unitary, continent-spanning sovereign, who may as a matter of convenience divide certain regions into subordinate administrative sections (fiefs), but which in any event rule their area in the name of the Crown and subject to its final decision-making capacity
(this is sort of what we have now, in a gay and retarded fashion, except with lots of opportunities for bad social actors to attempt to game the system by pitting multiple levels against one another and seeing whose pilpul can influence the outcome the most)
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Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)'s status on Wednesday, 03-Jul-2024 09:23:49 JST Växẍ Säbbäth
@Humpleupagus @Diceynes @msbellows @JedDrudge @eriner @CoQ_10 the problem with "restructuring" is that there are simply too many people invested in the current system, and with that many stakeholders, there will be so much resistance to any move that the amount of friction will (and does) prevent any worthwhile change at all; this is the problem with all systemic change of this magnitude, and there is no cure for it other than a sovereign who explains very simply to them that "this is now the way things are" and invites them to argue the point with a bullet
the child-fucking satanists running things must be completely dispossessed and all their works destroyed, plowed under, and the ground over those buried works and their ashes salted; that is beyond dispute, it is a moral and strategic imperative
their minions must be severely chastised, to the extent that their lack of culpability or agency can excuse them from their collaboration, and only to the extent that they are not True Believers, who join their masters in Hell immediately
the people who have gotten fucked over by this system must be made whole, somehow, or at least some effort must be made towards that goal; the posterity that got swindled out of their inheritance and handed a dilapidated trailer and an opiate addiction for their crime of high-trust behavior must be given an opportunity to make their life right, and to enjoy the blessings of the land that so many bled and died to give them
and to top it all off, the system must be realigned in such a way that it is continuously viable going forward; there are certain things which are going to be unthinkable with reference to the current system and off-limits for discussion, at least until they are understood to be natural parts of the social landscape and accepted on that basis
honestly, I'm pretty much at the point where I consider feudalism to be the natural default condition of humanity, because all attempts to pretend otherwise have failed; it seems necessary to acknowledge this reality going forward
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Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)'s status on Wednesday, 03-Jul-2024 08:49:46 JST Växẍ Säbbäth
@CoQ_10 @Humpleupagus @Diceynes @msbellows @JedDrudge @eriner it did in fact make more sense in Bongland, since they had hereditary titles and certain attendant rights, which we don't have here (though we probably should)
I have the sense that what's needed is a Great Realignment, a Reconstitution, and a New Domesday Book that basically shuffles the ownership of the entire North American Continent into a series of large parcels that are handed out to Deplorables
I worked the math out once and, assuming "Trump voter" = "Deplorable", it works out to about 250 acres per person, or 500 per Deplorafamily
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Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)'s status on Wednesday, 03-Jul-2024 08:39:29 JST Växẍ Säbbäth
@Humpleupagus @Diceynes @msbellows @JedDrudge @eriner I think there were a lot of ideas that sounded good at the time, but which, in retrospect, were the Colonial version of FUCK YOU DAD on paper:
corruption of blood: yes, it is entirely reasonable to cut off an entire branches' worth of inheritance, as a means of preventing the transmission of ill-gotten gains; note that they effectively still do this, they just have to jump through more hoops and lie about it
bills of attainder: yes, sometimes it is necessary to make a specific law saying "this one fucking asshole right here is now illegal"; note that they also effectively still do this, just with more hoops and bullshit etc.
cruel and unusual punishment: yes, it is necessary to make grotesque examples sometimes, and it isn't about that person, it's about everybody else
I'd keep the ban on ex post facto law, up to a point, although it is very clear that it would be extremely useful in a number of cases right now
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Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)'s status on Wednesday, 03-Jul-2024 08:12:17 JST Växẍ Säbbäth
@Humpleupagus @msbellows @JedDrudge @eriner The executive could just say "fuck you," kill the members of the other branches, and become a dictator
that is the general plan, yes, the only question is which side gets over the finish line first
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Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)'s status on Wednesday, 03-Jul-2024 03:43:26 JST Växẍ Säbbäth
@Bianca @NoDoxGregBrady @trucku @EscapeVelo you know how you get infections sometimes in your sinuses, or maybe your lungs?
and the doctor tells you, "take all the antibiotics"? you know, don't stop as soon as you start feeling better (like 3 days), but do all ten days?
that's because when bacteria are permitted to breed in an environment with toxins at sublethal concentration, they learn to.... adapt
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Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)'s status on Saturday, 29-Jun-2024 04:49:28 JST Växẍ Säbbäth
@Shadowman311 @jeffcliff @ChristiJunior yeah, it's real interesting
a lot of people cite the Kyoto Protocol with its ostensible big success in "fixing the ozone hole problem" (which it hasn't) as evidence that Big Global Treaties Can Work
and then we discover, through orbital MASINT platforms, that there is a giant plume of CFCs rising up continuously from - guess where? - yes that's right FUCKING CHINA, which is a signatory to that treaty and yet says "ror fuck you roundeye we make CFC it good refrigerant", and that they are the source of something like 80% of CFC pollution
so, just to recap: you, White Man, do not get to give your kids effective asthma inhalers (you get to use the weak-sauce "green" shit for that)
you, White Man, do not get to have efficient air-conditioning
you get to use flammable refrigerants, more toxic inhalant gases, and jump through infinity hoops
meanwhile Ping Pong can brew 10 gallons of R-12 in a backyard still, venting half of the yield and all the waste products directly to atmosphere, and you can't do anything about it because "developing country" and racism
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Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)'s status on Friday, 28-Jun-2024 12:24:15 JST Växẍ Säbbäth
@sickburnbro @c in what way does it make anything harder?
definitionally - and this has been proven scientifically - public preference, i.e. "prole opinion", means less than nothing
the question is whether any of the elites see Biden as a problem
what do they see when they look at him? a pants-shitting retard whose leash is firmly in the hands of his handlers, which it has no possibility of leaving
that's a great position for them to be in, honestly
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Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)'s status on Friday, 28-Jun-2024 12:15:26 JST Växẍ Säbbäth
@sickburnbro @c election isn't assured
I'm not sure what world you live in, but I would appreciate its coordinates in the spacetime manifold so I too can live there
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Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)'s status on Friday, 28-Jun-2024 12:12:06 JST Växẍ Säbbäth
@sickburnbro @c there is no "cheat margin" anymore, tho
consider: Biden is pretty obviously being body-doubled and deepfake-managed, and he's also obviously not running anything at all, so exactly none of this matters: there is no reason to get rid of him at all
his election (now assured, imo) will further demoralize the Deplorables, by rubbing their noses in their impotence yet again, and will embolden despairing shitlibs, who will realize that their dark masters have enough power to animate zombies and maintain them, in face of all opposition, as political figureheads
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Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)'s status on Friday, 28-Jun-2024 06:25:43 JST Växẍ Säbbäth
@TrevorGoodchild @RaHoWaJoe @graf @spectatorindex I'd love it if both of them stroked out on-stage
I mean, I've already got my chips on "Trump dying of natural causes in prison", but tbh both of them vaporlocking on-stage would be even better - the amount of ensuing pants-shitting as their ornate humiliation ritual evaporated into thin air on video would be hilarious
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Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)'s status on Thursday, 27-Jun-2024 05:16:33 JST Växẍ Säbbäth
@sickburnbro lmao at these mongs thinking that "appeal to Soyence™" is going to get people to roll over and just say "well okay I guess I have to"
I will explain this to the smirking Redditor caste that thinks this shit is a good idea: don't worry about the health and safety of the kids being homeschooled, worry about the health and safety of the people who you propose to send to round them up and drag them back to the public nigger-assault rapeatorium
the thing that they need to realize is that "White parents peacefully removing their kids from a system that we are still being lavishly taxed to pay for so they can do their schoolwork quietly at home instead of being crippled by niggers or molested by purple-haired faggots" is the choice we're selecting because it is marginally more convenient, at the present time, than "unleashing an orgiastic wave of organized violence on all of these shitheads, geysers of blood and meat spraying to the heavens until the survivors are so terrified at the idea of antagonizing us that they would prefer to emigrate to the Congo and deal with the machete-wielding warlords there rather than having spec-op teams formed by outraged parents crawling through their basement windows to dismember them in the night like the fucking Candyman"
this is a value computation that it would probably not be wise to invert
"just walk away"
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Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)'s status on Wednesday, 26-Jun-2024 13:33:33 JST Växẍ Säbbäth
@tyler @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @Xenophon @Jewpacabra @Will2Power @sapphire not everywhere my wegro
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Växẍ Säbbäth (vaxxsabbath@poa.st)'s status on Wednesday, 26-Jun-2024 13:31:38 JST Växẍ Säbbäth
@Humpleupagus @Dudebro @Xenophon @tyler @Jewpacabra @Will2Power @sapphire if you have any authority at all, it's best to apply it as a "more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger", "I-have-to-do-this" bureaucratic manner that reflects their own; done right, this can achieve relativistic backpedal velocity, because the one thing that terrifies any bureaucratic parasite is the idea that the machine god they worship may turn its terrible attention to them at the behest of a sorceror's apprentice who knows the Words of Power to focus that attention
in your particular case, given that you're a lolyer and therefore an officer of the court, I have the feeling it might have been hilarious and convincing to argue that you have to bring cases of extortion like that to the attention of the relevant authorities:
"Well, Mr. Hump, I'm afraid that I may need to report you to Children's Services for attempting to leave like this"
"Oooo, I really wish you hadn't said that"
[Nurse Ratched smirks in Cunt] "Oh really, why's that?"
"Because as an attorney, that means I am now obligated by my status as an officer of the court of <State> and the ethical canons of the bar to report this to competent authority as an attempted extortion, a criminal offense which your statement meets all of the criteria for - I'm so so sorry about this, you seem like a decent person, but I'm afraid I need to speak to the legal department here, the charge nurse, the supervising MD here, the highest-ranking executive you have on-call right now, oh, and I'll need you to call the police so I can file a statement.... oh, and we'll need a legal hold on everything relating to my wife's and child's care here, and can you get me a list of the names of everyone on duty right now in this wing? I'm so sorry about this"
(side note: the IT folks at the hospital HATE HATE HATE having to keep shit on legal hold, because it lasts for a long time and fucks up backup rotations, eating tons of storage space; getting your coworkers tied up with bullshit from Legal is also a great way to be hated for a long time by people that are working right next to you on your shift)