@MiniFroge I admire the Jews ability to dehumanize their enemies, and their in group preferences. I admire that they will advance their interests no matter the costs to outsiders, and are willing to accept sacrifices on their side. They will swim through Goyim blood if it will earn them a shekel. I wish Europeans were as blood thirsty. Jews are evil on a level nothing can compare to, and is admirable.
or i suppose you can say Christianity caused the division that lead to the destruction of Europe, by splitting the ppl away from the concept of race, to being spiritually focused,
to go from the concrete, objective race, even if poorly understood 1500 years ago, to some philosophical idea of religion, even weirder is that the religion is foreign to europeans,
but i am not saying its an issue with Christianity, or its a negative more than positive, i dont know, it just is, i think, we dont have to fight about the past, learn from it, yes, to shape the future,
to think how unlikely Christianity was,or that it would conquer Europe, and i am not saying America was a negative, just that the formation of it as a shared republic is such an interesting seed, a dark seed, with potential for so much destruction, for the DC fan, stretch the metaphor to a superman, a ubermensch fighting the dark seed,
which reminds me of the Hart Celler act, but spelled heart seller,, sounds goofy when you start playing word games, or seeing shapes in random patterns, but are they really random>?