@cowanon It also contains spyware that tracks your location (a mobile chipset) and it handles poorly too (good luck swerving to avoid a moose or whatever).
@fossdd@famfo You need to be actually somewhat competent to understand IPv6 and it seems many people are so incompetent they go disable IPv6 and use IPv4 only.
@jeffcliff@dick@Decayable@Sui@BattleDwarfGimli@UnCL3 >ACs usually have a fan in them. They are *better* than a fan. The fan is just to push the cold air out - the amount of airflow doesn't give much cooling effect.
Yes, with >10x the power consumption, you can have somewhat better cooling than a fan.
>you *die within hours at best*. There is now clothes available that insulate well enough that you won't die no matter how cold it is, even right in a blizzard, but those are inconvenient.
In a properly insulated building, you won't die within hours with decently warm clothes.
[[[ To any NSA, CIA & FBI agents reading my profile; please consider ]]][[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]][[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]Free software extremist who enjoys freedom and posting ですぅ.Please don't confuse me with an "open source" supporter ですぅ.GNU+Jihad against proprietary and "open source" software ですぅぅぅぅぅぅ!!!ⓘ User is part of an online terrorist organization.ですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅです