@Alex@j >Not many, I'd assume. I think you'd assume wrong. Didn't Nvidia push out a demo where it showed a game running at 20-30 fps without DLSS, and over 200fps with DLSS 4? This is all Nvidia is able to create now, smoke and trickery.
Fun fact, there's a good number of Trump mods on Nexus Mods. Why they have such a hate boner for the Marvel Rivals one, but didn't take down all the others, I have no idea.
@LukeAlmighty I don't even open the youtube player much these days. For some regular stuff, I use gpodder to subscribe to the channels and download videos, and for random recommended things, I have a script set up to play via mpv. I technically could disable adblock on YouTube and survive just fine without seeing many ads. But I still don't.
@LukeAlmighty Good point. Still, I refuse to subject myself to people like Destiny directly. If he says something even close to being important or interesting, I know there will be more sane people I follow that will cover him. That's more than enough exposure for me.
@LukeAlmighty Good tech and cool tech demo, but it's simply being used in the wrong place.
Just like when they tried to take DLSS tech and apply it to make regular video playback look sharper. It's a cool idea in principle, but it's ridiculously energy wasteful.
I remember when LTT tried it out, and it maxed the GPU usage. It's simply unlikely that just streaming video content at a higher bitrate could use more energy than playing it back with this DLSS hack. So it's a cool tech demo, but you simply wouldn't want this used on mass. The tech could be used for something like restoring old footage, but it shouldn't be used for internet video playback (like they advertised it for) when it would be more energy efficient to just encode content at higher bitrate and/or resolution.
The same with this thing. It is good tech, and I'm sure it could be useful somewhere. Maybe even in the development process of 3D face models and textures, but not directly in the consumer hands.
@LukeAlmighty >why have good 3D models and textures, when you can use thousands of watts of electricity to brute force a bad AI model to make your game look decent instead
Can we seriously fuck Nvidia into oblivion already?! I'm so done with this bullshit. Can we stop pretending like part of the problem for why games are so horrendously optimized now isn't Nvidia's DLSS and RTX tech?
@j Why the fuck do they care? Does Mastodon have it's own Orwellian fact-checking council, and is upset Facebook is throwing its out? Cause I didn't hear Eugen making a pact with various "fact-checkers" and "anti-hate speech" NGOs to scrub Mastodon's timeline. So I don't fucking see why he's complaining?
@LukeAlmighty Looks ok, but I wouldn't call it groundbreaking. Mostly in line with where the current standard has been for a bit now. I guess it's a matter of perspective, and what one considers groundbreaking to begin with. If you compare it with Skyrim, or the old Crysis games, sure it's groundbreaking. Otherwise, as I said, to me it looks in line with what other games have offered recently.
Maybe I see some of the blurriness, but the resolution of these pictures is kinda bad vertical wise (624p) so it's hard to be sure of what I'm seeing.
If you want an example of what I find blurry, the plain picture with all the grass is the best example. I'm guessing it's being caused by TXAA as it's being used everywhere. The further you look away from the center point, the more fuzzy the greenery looks, likely because things are moving from the wind and the camera is moving too. The right side looks a bit sharper, but on the left side, it's hard to distinguish a single sharp blade of grass even near the focal point.
Some of the other examples look sharp enough. But they seem to be stationary. The other one that is blurry to me is the blue landscape one. But the green plain is still the better example imo.
@ivesen I haven't bought new drives (either hdd or ssd) in a while, and I never make a note of how they come. But I think it's either they're empty and unformatted (I think not even a partition table), or maybe they're ntfs (for easy Windows). Could the software that is reporting this be wrong?
@icedquinn Yes, truly. The rational thing a company should do is say "let's jeopardize the entire company and the financial future of its employees by taking time to mourn the passing of the CEO". How long do you think its appropriate for a company to suspend things because a person died? Maybe a month or two? I think that should be enough. And obviously, every death of any employee should receive the same treatment. Companies should clearly always take time to mourn the dead.
Yes, that was all very passive aggressive sarcasm. I'm not a fan of the CEO assassination idea, but that doesn't mean a CEO gets to be treated any differently from any other employee. When an employee is no longer available, and the job needs to be filed, the company will employ whoever it can ASAP. That's life. Especially for a position like the CEO, the jobs of many more people are at risk if there isn't someone there doing his job. Anything less than immediately replacing the CEO is a dereliction of duty towards everyone involved with the company, whether it's business partners, employees, stock holders or even clients.
@LukeAlmighty Really, people are still on about that? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. This and the gay cake thing are gonna be things people will forever debate because they're just that dumb. Coffee IS supposed to be too hot to drink when you get a fresh cup, and wedding cakes are an art form, hence free speech prevails. No gay wedding cake if I don't want to make it.
@icedquinn I try to use open source too, but I'm not fanatical about it. If something is closed source, and works better for my needs, I'll use it proudly (I add "proudly" to piss off people who are religious about open source/free software).
@icedquinn Knowing fedi, you're probably supposed to open things in nano or something. Maybe vim. Just be a rational human, and find a hex editor that works well for you, and screw people who complain about open source, closed source, etc.
Just another random person passing by.The Alyx Vance must go this way anyway.Gordon Freeman dies in All Dogs Go To Heaven 2.En Taro Igel!Lift me up, let me go...