People don’t complain enough that government schools use stolen taxpayer dollars to subsidize Google to the tune of millions of Chromebooks, only to throw them out and buy new ones after a couple of years because Google stops supporting them.
All so that a third grader can have a laptop for his math class.
Shave biopsy complete. Results in a week. She didn’t seem too concerned given the symmetry, so that’s hopeful. Her only concern was my only concern, which was the dark coloration in the center. I also had her check the three other spots I have, all good.
@sun I write a LOT of Go. The only time I've ever manually adjusted imports is to change the version (add a /v2) or importing to the bitbucket for things like embed.
There is nothing wrong with automatic import management. I use something, it imports. I don't, it removes. I've never had a problem with this.
@dcc@ryan@Richard I'm just saying if a server has no cost associated with registration, it will invariably become a source of spam. If you turn off email verification, it will happen eventually. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually you'll say the wrong thing to some tranny retard and they will look to punish you because they are retarded, and they'll abuse the fact that no email is required for signup and create spam the exact same way it's done on nostr (and before it, SMTP).
@dcc@ryan@Richard You're right, the absence of cost imposed on posting is a choice the administrators of the big servers have made. But email verification, the out-of-band SMTP loop, IS a cost and *does* provide administrators of servers with tools and choices.
Show me one AP server out there right now that doesn't require email verification before posting and I will show you an AP spam shithole.
Alignment: Chaotic GoodMail to:Matt HamiltonBox 129Funkstown, MD 21734--"Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can forsee the future, too" -Marcus Aurelius"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" -Voltaire"The measure of a man is what he does with power" -Plato"Crime, once exposed, has no refuge but in audacity" -Tactius