@thefinn She could have been a very successful actress in comedic roles etc. Very successful. Even have a couple of movies where chad chooses her instead of the pretty girl because she's worthy. But no. She wanted communism. Oh well.
@KarlDahl@sickburnbro Like with all American Christianity, this is just a rehashing of an early Christianity herecy. The herecy of encratism (from the greek εγκράτεια meaning to withhold from doing or being _____,) It opposed marriage, family and children/procreation teaching instead that people should become only dedicated to God alone and not care about the future of the world and mankind since surely only the afterlife and God matters. It was created in the 2nd century ad.
America is the worst ally/bully in history. @thefinn everything poland is doing including niggrification and faggotfication of their society and of course the war against Russia, was an American plan. America basically overthrew their previous government and installed (((their))) guys. Now they're turning on them.
You voluntarily send all your production to communist China. You opened up to China during Nixon proving that America is not anti communist but just anti Russian/Christian/white. Now you turn around and claim china is at fault because its a beyter competitor? What exactly? That's why people hste America dude. Not because of your liberty and burgers. But because you lie with the gall of a jew userer.
@Escoffier@NoDoxGregBrady The people who want to "respond" are the exact same ones who took your entire industrial production and gave it to the communist Chinese dude.
@Escoffier@NoDoxGregBrady@thefinn China is your competitor. Because of your actions. Its not your enemy. You made it your enemy because that's what you do. America is pirate state. Your elites gangsters that's raid other continents amd throw you scraps (as loans btw not even free) while they rape white hildren the jews give them. China has never ever done anything to any white country. No war no nothing. China has never forced white countries to import millions of niggers. China will not put you in prison if you insult the jews in a white country. You do all that. Because you can't stand competitors so you demonize them as enemies. Why is China the bad guy? What evil has it done to white countries compared to you?