I'm somewhat convinced that cheating, stealing, intimidating, rioting and trying to kill your main "political" opponent is criminal as well, not sure if "anti-american" too, whatever this means.
@sickburnbro I see the ragheads in Ireland getting hurt very badly, very soon. Kinda know enough Irish waiting for the go-time to start throwing all invaders into the sea for sport.
@WilhelmIII@Jonaschuzzlewit@ArmadilloRancher@d0c40r0@Chzikken_1486@Clapp@PraxisOfEvil@Turdicus@demonofustio@placebo Either they wanted that to happen, as I heard the video again the counter fire was almost instant, so they scoped him beforehand or were extremely quick with the reaction time. Like I understand that they might not had enough personnel to cover all roofs and buildings, but easily knew which one was uncovered "just in case". Now the second question wouldn't be "why they let him take at least two shots?", if thats the case.
@AuntNorma@BroDrillard With "pooland" in memespeak we intend india, usually, not Poland. The hint is that he says that their breeding levels are above that of Whites. Poland is White, india is obviously not.
@Deplorable_Degenerate@Humpleupagus@LordOfTheKangs@Shadowman311 Kinda, southerners have an history with foreigners, they'll never be liked there, and they're profoundly structured around the family as a societal structure. However, Italians had much less influence and have a wider variety of languages, italian, as a language, exist from less than a couple centuries. If you know spanish, you'd know (while still understanding most of what they say) a Catalunyan from an Asturian. In Italy a northerner and a southerner would hardly understand each other. Some italian dialects have foreign influences, spanish doesn't have that, because they were exceptionally harsh at punishing those who butchered the language purity.
@Humpleupagus@Deplorable_Degenerate@LordOfTheKangs@Shadowman311 Yup, know that, spanish nationals also dislike other spanish-speaking people based on this, but still favor them over other sources of foreigners, mostly. Which is understandable, they consider them inferior while still placing emphasis on their language role, more or less openly, may change from region to region, Galicia and Asturia hardly tolerate foreigners, Catalunya is completely pozzed however.
@Deplorable_Degenerate@Humpleupagus@LordOfTheKangs@Shadowman311 Not many of them in UK, but particularly central americans cannot stand even the proximity with generic africoons and have an open disdain for pakis and shitjeets too... find this dynamic interesting, honestly.
@Humpleupagus@LordOfTheKangs@Shadowman311 Prolonged exposition increase nigger fatigue. A spic cop... has to be dealing w nignogs all day long for years, can't really imagine.
@epictittus@YourAverageNewfag@Shadowman311@TrevorGoodchild I am still unconvinced it will develop on political lines, even if certainly it will start out like that. Ethnical are much more likely, but hey, I'm likely biased from what I've seen happening, the Jugo scenario had no political affiliations, you had serb commies and serb neonazis fighting against a loose ethnical , political and of convenience alliance of people whom hated each other just slightly less than they hated the serbs. Multiple reports of croatians and bosnians attacking each other before or after battling the serbs, albaniggers bands fought each other over loot and western aid... Right & left will probably field the early state agitators (mind, is not necessarily a bad word), but things will develop, imho, on much more concrete lines than political alignment when SHTF. Huge population moves across lines in the making, with conflict all around, been there, seen the aftermath of that too.
> shaniquas in crucial positions
These people are net negatives and whomever has them on their side will have a major disadvantage at anything beyond a ghetto brawl. Only "the government", and a corrupt government at that, can afford it, but not forever.
@epictittus@YourAverageNewfag@Shadowman311@TrevorGoodchild Depends also on how much power retains the central government before going to shit, and what it wants to do. Enough to defend? can still project power? armed forces as well, if they draft people en masse won't take much long before it goes from bad to worse.
> small size of the region
Yes, absolutely, but still, when it started it was almost everywhere, no escaping it, even if you were considerably behind the lines dangers were all over. In America this won't be as likely, specifically for the size of the scenario, some areas won't be touched if not marginally , others will be overrun by the consequences, the coasts and metro areas I see them performing poorly, very poorly, both in terms of casualties and in terms of degradation, infrastructures, quality of life etc, everything will be affected. NY / LA are very likely to collapse as soon as the roads won't bring the goods in, looting will peak and bands will be formed, these will be then become more or less popular based on how they act as long as there is wealth to distribute, once that ends they will have to venture off, to evolve into something else, niggers will probably loot everything to the ground and move to the next target until they stumble on a wall and starve. This is why I expect to turn on ethnic bases very quick. And then, among these, there may be room for a political or religious or anything else to form a subsection.
> in a way that nothing ever has in human history
Agreed, again. It may last a decade or more, is very likely to spill over to both CAN and MEX and possibly CENAM too, expecially if large groups of spics will try to move back to their country of origin. No huge coalitions because the land is fractioned , small convenience alliances here and there among similar groups would be a possibility, for example, perhaps Texas holding its own , banding together with other states in similar positions and bulking around it?
Spanish civil war had a massive influx of foreigners from the beginning, they considerably tilted (the pro-Nationalist were good and disciplined fighters, the red ones awful shit stirrers) the outcome, but mostly prolonged the war. Don't doubt away teams may want to play the game in the american league, but oceans will still play a factor and won't be as relevant, at least at the beginning.
@judgedread@sickburnbro Just turn off emergency numbers for 48/72h , let the opposing forces such as militias and the likes deal with them outside the spectrum of being prosecuted for it. Bet antifag & co would hear and understand it within' 36h max.
@TrevorGoodchild@DemonSixOne@sickburnbro "The cult of simple", Trev. Midwits need it, desperately. Like magic wand and all that, it helps their little mental gymnastic with which they tolerate this situation, instead of rejecting it. The moment they're confronted with the bitter reality of what was going on, they are broken in despair.
They WANT to think that they can fix a polity like they could fix a dishwasher , deep inside they know that is not possible, but the desire to hold into their magical beliefs (such as "equality") is stronger than their grip on reality itself.
@TrevorGoodchild@sickburnbro@zoazoa If Iran drops committment to Armenia they can get the Turks and AZB into the fold and make Gengis Khan proud. Wouldn't doubt for a second that this is probably the hottest talk right now between Bejing , Teheran and Moscow. Bleed out the beast in a multi-layered all out attack that they don't even dare to game in their darkest nightmares. Then we see if the ROK and JAP want to die for Taiwan.
Been checking out my predictions about the EU... rutte at nato when he's probably the most hated breathing thing in all the continent, we're well past the humiliation ritual even. Nobody really expects the obvious, uff.