Until “good white folx” are ready to have SERIOUS conversations about their tacit allegiance to white supremacy then you will ALWAYS get this wrong
Your disbelief, and outright violent denial at times, that EVERY system, institution, and policy that “governs” us is ROOTED in white supremacy AND anti-Blackness AND is DESIGNED to privilege whiteness at the expense of “the other” IS THE PROBLEM
When white folx ask me “what are the greatest barriers they must overcome in order to truly develop a consistent, DEMONSTRATED antiracist practice”, my response is ALWAYS some form of the following:
1. Y’all have to internalize that your presence AND/OR absence, in any situation, ignites systems, institutions, and policies ROOTED in white supremacy AND anti-Blackness on your behalf AND against “others”
Also, be prepared for when white folx FINALLY start FEELING the full impact of this decision to blame Black folx because whiteness can ONLY be casted in the roles of hero or victim but NEVER the villain
And to ALL you “good white folx” who’ve spent YEARS trying to tone police MY Black voice because I made you “uncomfortable” as I tried to warn you of what would happen when the parasite of white supremacy started to eat its host
As I lie here in the dark processing my feelings regarding HALF the country being ok with the worst human attributes not only being celebrated, but elevated, there’s one message that keeps repeating in my head:
I’ve recently realized that I’ve been viewing these last few months of this election through an unexpected but appreciated lens regarding the differences between Black and white women…
If you don’t “believe” that EVERY system, institution, and policy that governs our lives are ROOTED in white supremacy and anti-Blackness then let’s compare events from 2020 vs 2024
The “justification” for killing a Black man was that he was engaged in illegal activity and yet almost 1/2, majority white, of this country wants to reinstall a DOCUMENTED crime family
If this doesn’t HIGHLIGHT the inequity that exists then you’re someone I’d deem unsafe and would treat you accordingly
Please do NOT ever use the term “white fragility” to explain/justify white cowardice and weakness
Yes white folx are fragile but so is EVERYONE else DIRECTLY harmed by the systems, institutions, and policies rooted in white supremacy and anti-Blackness
You who are wondering how we arrived at the “Hitler good?” part of this journey just know that it was because YOU’VE IGNORED THE WARNINGS FROM THE MOST VULNERABLE
We’re here because YOU’VE tolerated the dehumanization of the “other” for GENERATIONS…this was the OBVIOUS endpoint
If your ENTIRE agenda is to remain in and to legitimize power by ensuring that citizens are uneducated than manipulating the “town square”, used to get around the traditional gatekeepers of information, is vital
When I say that I will spend the next 10 years “forcing” tech to keep its promise of inclusion, equity, and innovation it made 10 years ago this is what I mean
Y’all either shift towards truly equitable practices or deal with the financial and reputational consequences
so what are you doing to specifically heal from this trauma and abandonment? What are you doing to ensure that that little person in your head and heart gets the support they need to grow beyond that pain? If that work isn’t done…
if the work of decoupling your identity from white supremacy and the expectation of all its privileges is not prioritized, then you’ll inevitably fall back into that old programming during times of stress, or just out of ignorance and harm others
Here is where “good white folx” WILL fuck up if you see this Coalition of the Wounded as being held together with anything stronger than cheap masking tape because AFTER Nov 5th most of you will have your hand out because you don’t understand solidarity…JUST WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU
Most folx “abandoning” trump were architects of the policies that created this moment of panic for you…they laid the groundwork for the harm that y’all are finally running from
Also, Cheney is setting herself up for a run in ‘28 if they can figure out their party’s issues
I started warning y’all YEARS ago about how DANGEROUS this particular mediocre, unremarkable white tech dude was but “tech journalists” like Kara Swisher and friends sucked up all the oxygen by spreading the PR/marketing WITHOUT vetting what so many of us saw plainly
Modeling How I Live AND Build A Supremacy-, Coercion-, Discrimination-, and Exploitation-FREE Life AND Future #TFIF365 ~ https://linktr.ee/TheFutureIsFREE