@sickburnbro@BowsacNoodle@Victor_Emmanuel I'd qualify as old now. Yes, we were lied to by master liars. Yes, we fell for it at the time. No, there is no excuse today to still believe those lies. Those who do are either too stupid or wilfully go along with them because there's a pay off (muh pensions).
@TrevorGoodchild@Ghislaine Having a diagnosed psychological condition became fetishized similarly. You were bipolar, or borderline or "depressed". It became an identity and you got to hang out with people with the same bs diagnosis, so you had something of a community.
Yes there is manic depression and depression but the medical industry pushed these diagnoses into overdrive and generated billions in profits and ruined countless lives with worthless cures.
In other times these people would have just gotten through a shitty period in their life and people in their community would cut them some slack. Because there was a real community, not some freaks posting on a screen. And "doctors" looking to make a buck from them.
@judgedread@p Ha! Our shop teacher showed us a film preaching that hydraulics was the future. It literally said that.
Later, he couldn't understand why I was so excited about the Commodore PET the math department had bought for the school. He told me, It's just a bunch of switches.
I'm older than they were now but God I hope I never get like that.
I remember in the 1980's some proto-prog-HR woman at my university was giving a poorly attended talk about getting more women into STEM. She was exactly like you would imagine her. When I said that this would end up pushing out competent men, some very high skilled, she openly admitted it was right and fair to make up for women not working in the field for so long. So long? What? Decades? Centuries? Millennia?
She saw a chance to fuck over the men she hated. That what it was all about.
@Tripp@BobsonDugnuttHB@jeffcliff@haberdasher It would be accepted as a change in management for the most part. Because that's what it would be. There's a lot of good will between Heritage Canadians and Americans. Actual Americans. But we all know who's running things. So it wouldn't be much of a change.
@Dr_Edgar_Friendly_MD@BowsacNoodle These idiots have no idea how easy it is for pissed off employees to passively sabotage a company into slowly going under over time. Because who gives a fuck? I'm not going to be here forever anyway and there's always another shit job to be had.