The libshits are going to double down on their insanity. Nobody other than them is going to champion giving Luke Skywalker a five million dollar home. But that fresh start won't be possible without even higher taxes.
Even boomer conservatives in their Cybertrucks will flee. It'll become an even more leftwing echo-chamber than it already is, and anyone who says anything contrary is going to get cancelled. Salute the Hollywood sign, or else.
>It's only funny until they make a train that runs on shit. Then they'll rule the world. 😏 They'll all stand on the tracks to watch it drive past. :HazeSmug:
>i believe its the cooling water for the aluminium cnc machines not using purified water They'll 'rebuild' a truck engine outside on a dirty road. Their notion of clean is highly dubious.
William Shatner was kvetching about how Cali *NEEDS* the water from Washington state, wants a pipeline built. His property has lush green lawn, and he's maintained his swimming pool for at least 25 years (that's when his third wife drowned in it). Thousands of gallons evaporate during just one season.
>men's collective murderous male history >utter hate and contempt for females >the glue that binds all you men together in your man's world >only thing that can unite all you men across the globe
Weird how Emma keeps regurgitating that mantra over and over. It's as if she's been indoctrinated into some cult. Whenever she feels her ideological position is vulnerable, she falls back on her chant.
>DEATH TO THE ENEMY OF THE FEMALE RACE You can't say that all men ever think about is raping women, and then object when some man avoided touching her.
This literal faggot was wearing a crop top and short shorts, and there had just been an illegal pRiDe MaRcH. He just happened to be in the wrong place at exactly the wrong time? X to doubt. Homo was dumb enough to walk up to cops and ask them for directions.
>The jobs themselves will shift to Europe/Canada/lndia or some other place with a good tech ecosystem. India has a, LOL, good tech ecosystem? So why isn't the whole subcontinent a sprawling Silicon Valley?
>I am an Indian American >Democratic Party sees me as American >large part of the base of the Republican Party does not >I hope Indian Americans remember this moment >They don't see you as one of them
So, Indian American? Not American, but Indian American?? That is the identity she has chosen. And she's trying to make it sound like it's the Whites who are playing identity politics?!? Huh.
Her 'jeet father came to the States as a student, seems they all get their foot in the door as students. Lived in an affluent community too. But he abandoned his 'jeet wife and two 'jeet kids. Sold his home and fucked right off back to India.
The family didn't get deported. No, taxpayers had to take care of *his* family. And now this ungrateful hindu is trying to weaponize the brown vote against those who dare resist the brownification?
>You're an amazing father, Elon_ >Your kids are very lucky to have you. His estranged son, Xavier, is a tranny. Didn't just do the comedic deadname bit, changed his surname at the same time. Most trannies have daddy issues, but according to this sycophant (if it isn't Elon himself) Elon is supposed to be... an amazing father??
>When somebody shoots up a white church or school nobody panics, because it’s all part of the plan. But one little old CEO dies Remember, Congress got upset after armed security stopped a tranny shooter at a megachurch. yOu cAn'T dO tHaT!!! Meanwhile, the now corpse-ified CEO could have easily rolled around NYC with Blackwater* mercenaries for his security detail and nobody in power would've even batted an eyelash.
*Blackwater became Acedemi, shapeshifted into Xe Services, morphed back to Academi and currently operates as Constellis. In 2016, they were bought by Apollo. Founded by three jews, one with yuge ties to Epstein. Fun fact: Their mercenaries, the ones involved in the Nisour Square massacre? Orange man pardoned those four. The political prisoners from J6 must not have had jewish benefactors.
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice (with respect for the religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others or their choice not to practice such traditions at all).*
Furthermore, I offer my (non-binding) best wishes for the onset of the generally accepted calendar year of 2025, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make the United States of America great. (Which is not to imply that the USA is any greater than any other country).
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Happy (if happiness is in your belief system) Holidays (if you recognize them)!!!!
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