Look, I'm as enraged and frustrated with national and state Democratic leadership as anyone. But expecting political leaders to *also* be movement leaders is both nonsensical and lazy.
When they say "we are the ones we've been waiting for," it means stop waiting for someone to tell you what to do, and resist.
@dalias@tokyo_0 IME (boomer with a whole lot of Gen X interaction), people *do* say this when it comes to migrating.
Heard it a lot from people who wouldn't leave the hellsite during the Great Migration 2.5 years ago (which is when I joined here). Seeing it now, with great frustration, as those same people now leave Shitter for Bullshit Kentucky. Also seeing it from my friends who are now considering migrating off Facebook (I personally need to stay there for now, for my volunteer work).
@Rhodium103@dalias@tokyo_0 Somebody I used to follow on the hellsite, and recently re-found on Bullshit Kentucky, commented there that he isn't here because he felt the culture of content warnings is equivalent to a nanny state, and gave the example of California's Prop 65. He is *not* someone who's generally insensitive, nor does he often post triggering things. Just as you say. I'm guessing he got chewed out once and left. Maybe even got gently reminded and took it as being chewed out.
@skinnylatte May I ask an honest question though - since I've heard "slave labor" about H1B from a friend who does extensive but non-immigration focused work in Haiti, and is guardian of two teenage refugees, daughters of a Haitian colleague: the tag on that graphic says H2B. Are the pay scales the same?
Obviously he's got a ton of privilege most people don't. Kind of like myself tbh - privileged on all axes except two, in my case (gender and disability), apparently in just one in his case. Doesn't negate the one axis in which he's marginalized, any more than my privilege negates the misogyny and ableism I experience.
"Here is the deal: If you've shared a meme about eating pets, you can now go ahead and donate to The Haitian Community Help & Support Center in Springfield, Ohio. Apologies begin at $5. Laughter is not the same thing as solidarity. This community is under real threat. Do better my friends. PayPal: Haitianhelpcenterspringfield@gmail.com "
@youronlyone@autistics@actuallyautistic@autism IME, "Autism awareness" ends with the awareness that Autism *exists*. Nothing about how Autism actually presents in the world (especially among marginalized folx and women), how it feels, how an Allistic person might interact more effectively with their Autistic coworkers, family members and friends ...
ActuallyAutistic, PTSD, metastatic cancer, Ohioan, if someone finds my executive function please return it. Crowdsourced 2025 motto: Come at me. I dare you.White cishet femme (she/her) but doing my best to center more marginalized perspectives. Avatar: a photo of ghost pipe flowersHeader: a photo of trees, trunks in shadow, top branches bare of leaves, bathed in red-gold light