@cwebber well, people were able to track down an actual work address a few days ago from one of the profiles, and people suspected they don’t know (but I haven’t seen any updates on that front)
Existe algum aplicativo de previsão de tempo que seja satisfatório em território brasileiro? Ontem nós levamos duas chuvas na cabeça e nenhum dos nossos aplicativos previa isso. 🙃 E como não conhecemos São Paulo em março, ficou difícil entender os sinais de chuva. Em Goiânia nós sabemos direitinho.
I’m looking for resources — of any kind — in the intersections of green computing, permacomputing, free software, and circular economy. I have the chance to help a project developed by my state that’s fixing and reconditioning old electronics, and I feel like I could really make a difference there—so I’d appreciate your boosts and recommendations.
Peaks of the day: • In a lounge as we ate breakfast (peaked at 1731 ppm); • During our flight to São Paulo (peaked at 1568 ppm during takeoff, decreasing to 829 ppm when we landed); • Car rides with the AC on (5352 ppm — the peak of the day —, 2857 ppm, 2514 ppm, 4657 ppm, 4069 ppm). Air recirculation is the main culprit here (as many drivers use it to avoid the strong smell of air pollution).
Being back to Brazil means being back to abysmal air quality. Our hotel room is always in the 1400s ppm no matter what we do (incl. leaving the window open). Our taxi hit 6779 ppm (1h30min ride because the traffic was absolutely horrible). 😬
Does anyone know resources created by trans people about pronouns and other aspects of gender in the German language? Looking specifically for queer literature as I’m tired of reading comments from cis people complaining about questions like mine.
Berlin is the type of city that has me convinced I should come back again and again. Mark my words, this won't be my last time visiting — this will be the first of many.
Cybernetic hacker interweaving technology—how we create it, build it, maintain it, use it—and liberation in my perpetual ruminations.Brasileira living in the heart of the Brasil, born blind—with low vision, to be more precise. Non-binary and femme-presenting. Known for organizing Outreachy, a program providing internships in free and open software communities to people subject to systemic bias, underrepresentation or discrimination in the technology industry of their country.