@EdBoatConnoisseur@MK2boogaloo@Loki@SockPuppet "Wow I can speak the language of the angels and of man before the flood!" Shut the hell up John Dee, it's squiggly old english and you know it!
@djsumdog@Kerosene@MoeBritannica This isn't how ancient Greeks and Romans conceived of their religion. I can't slaughter a white bull to Sailor Moon for victory in battle and to make my business rivals destitute. I'm not going to the Temple of Rance to engage in some sacred prostitution. I do not dread what the Oracle at Neotokyo has to say about my future. I can't gain the secret knowledge of the antedelluvians from Light Yagami. I don't fear that the Guts is going to send a group of Apostles at me for swearing a false oath.
You are a redditor twisted by Dungeons and Dragons and the Therapeutic Methodist Church of Thor.
@nugger@KarlDahl@confederatehobo Knowing how the first blue LED was made, I think such tech is still feasible even with a collapse, but at extreme cost and difficulty.
@merchantHelios@YTFoidLover1488 Balatro is pretty fun if you're into that sort of thing... but yeah, kinda glad there's a Q1 lull so I can actually work on my backlog lmao.
@BowsacNoodle@ApocalypseAnimated Well considering demons are the most bitch made of God's creation and Satan is just some nigga with daddy issues, it wouldn't be against character.
@moomin 2024 is the year in which esoteric hitlerism utterly dies and Brony Traditions awaken among out Aryan Ponybros.
"See that Mein Celestia, your spirit has risen again as the Aryan Avatar, once more among the Aryan people they seek Traditions that are Racially their own, the Brony Awakening is happening and it was your efforts that fought for and gave them this knowledge". :windmilloffriendship: