Notices by Ame (
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@Polfusilier @DailyStormerDigest North Korea isn't really anything-ist. There's a guy who's responsible for keeping the inhabitants in line, and he answers to a patron nation (Chyna). It's a colony.
It's like saying the Belgian Congo had an ideology.
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@Polfusilier @DailyStormerDigest That's natural power dynamics. If I'm running a colony, then I have power and influence, and I can get away with pushing the boundaries a little bit to empower myself as long as I don't get to the point where it's worth replacing me.
On the flip side, if I don't do this, my power atrophies, and things that are mine are requisitioned and redistributed to ply the patron regime's more recalcitrant keys to power.
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@Polfusilier @DailyStormerDigest > despite the protests of
Even in normie conception, the idea that Chyna's official statements are the same as its unofficial communications isn't believed.
Any case, it's the exact dynamic I described. A family of hereditary colonial governors has to walk a line between being complacent and having their power eroded and being overly aggressive and getting replaced. It's possible they might want to anchor their authority with nuclear weapons (and, of course, China's government would oppose this), and maybe they want to use this to become truly independent at some point. Maybe they have intentions regarding the North Korean people after this - to democratize, to implement Marxism, to imitate 1930's Germany, whatever - but I don't observe this in what they do now. Everything they do, more or less, is about either maximally suppressing internal threats to their power, threatening the West enough that they are unwilling to act to remove them (a legitimate concern), and playing aforementioned colonial governor versus patron power game with Chyna.
Like, with Russia, you can see a real ideology - overt cultural alignment, domestically and internationally, with nationalists, great-power-ists, and social conservatives, backed with economic and military measures to reshape the world in this image. You see the same pattern of behavior in microcosm by various leaders in Europe who are more favorable to them - Russian aligned polities with similar interests, but whose leaders are not part of Russian internal power dynamics.
Likewise, while I'm not an expert on Chyna, their whole deal seems to revolve around securing their race as a unified nation-state with with implicit shared interests, with those who defect against these interests punished quickly and effectively (I don't know that I'd call them NS, but I see why people do so). You could argue that Chyna isn't really ideological at all, on the basis that they don't try to spread this way of thinking, and it's ultimately how every healthy nation in history has ordered itself. That said, you do see the occasional American noting that the Chinese system works, and wanting to implement it here - there's a worldview guiding their policy that can be copied over elsewhere, and have sympathizers who are not Chinese.
Similarly, the U.S. State Department (as distinct from America as a whole, as we increasingly see) and its allies are united ideologically. A coalition of the weak, sick, and subversive, burrowed into a bureaucracy, backed by a horde of state-subsidized freaks, and justified morally around the idea that they'd starve to death if they were disallowed from parasitizing their betters, along with a might-makes-right style argument that their willingness and ability to manipulate bureaucratic procedures to advance themselves proves them worthy of power. Religion and popular culture are rewritten around that idea to the extent that they can rewrite it. There's a vision for the world, there, which it actively seeks to spread and implement even when it is not directly beneficial - there are true believers to what it really represents, if not to what it claims it represents.
There's no real ideological sphere that can be imagined around North Korea. A Russian sympathizer is a religious socially conservative nationalist who wants a world where competing great powers motivate each other towards greatness. A Chinese sympathizer wants to model his homeland after China to recreate the traditional nation state (but is probably ambivalent towards China itself, with no real mutual interest). A U.S. lib sympathizer wants a world of ever-escalating buggery enforced via Kafkaesque bureaucratic horror. All of these people can be from any country, and of any race - there's a shared idea being put forward. North Korea's foreign outreach revolves around old Soviet propaganda and aesthetics; there's no real message there.
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@mrsaturday @egirlyuumimain @sun > federation but centrally managed
It really is amazing how every idiot in tech converges on the exact same fundamental idea. Triple the moving parts for none of the benefit.
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Four full years (at least) of no USAID is going to show us quite a lot about how astroturfed our enemies were.
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@skylar @professionalbigot69 @Terry @bronze @RealRaul bro thinks Gondola is a drug addict
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China officially has more free speech than Europe
China should create an international nigger-saying platform. Automatically uses diffusion models to anonymize users' faces (changing them into similar but not identifiable faces) and does the same thing with voices, lets you talk openly about nogs.
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The little zoomzooms and gen alphas are going to grow up with clown fetishes aren't they
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Shit going to be wild for the Dems if Trump manages to land this correctly. Imagine being the party that tried to ban TikTok and then Orange Man saved it so zoomers could watch skibidi chungus subway surfers all day. An entire generation willing to lay down their lives for him.
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@DailyStormerDigest @Goalkeeper 4 is a bit of a paradox. You could automate fast food in a first world, high-trust nation, but the cost of doing business here, along with regular vandalism, makes it impractical in any country that has a sufficient third world population.
The solution, of course, is just to deport the third worlders so we can then implement automation.
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@DailyStormerDigest @Goalkeeper I'm usually pretty wild-eyed about making use of new tech, but if someone came to me with a plan to put expensive automated restaurants in the ghetto I do not know that I would be willing to invest.
Like, even the bleak cyberpunk scenario of a security guard standing idle in front of an automated food window while a well-ordered line of customers walks up to receive their orders after paying seems like we're expecting a bit much of the nogs.
They do like spending dey well-fay on doordash, though. You could rig it up with a ghost kitchen, but that still depends on there being a skilled maintanence worker willing to brave urban hell to fix whatever breaks. In all likelihood, you end up with incompetent H1Bs doing that job, resulting in massive maintenance issues that completely fuck the thing. A system that cannot maintain an ice cream machine cannot maintain a fully automated McDicks.
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@Aether >6'8", pure muscle
> 35 years old
So you're basically guaranteed an autistic supersoldier child. If you get the cool kind of autism, maybe he becomes a dictator. If you get the window-licking kind, his tard rage will level entire city blocks.
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big oof
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@Ghislaine Whatever ends up happening with Elon, it will definitely be entertaining.
That said, I feel obligated to point out that he's ultimately just an autist with liberal priors trying to find his way the same way we did when we were in our teens and early 20's, except he's doing it in front of the entire world whereas our embarrassing initial sentiments while going through the five stages of grief for our prior belief systems are buried in an anonymous /pol/ archive. The guy needs understanding and a gentle, informative approach, same as we did.
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@mushroom_soup It's worse because Africans actually can pick cotton if well-trained, but H1Bs cannot code worth a damn.
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@sun AI + Crypto seems like the sort of thing you'd see at a startup and not really anywhere else. Have to figure the way to get hired at one of those is to know someone who's started one, have a considerable history in Crypto, or found your own.
Assuming you've got some kind of idea (I would guess market prediction based on some kind of information specific to crypto), I haven't seen a huge number of interesting solutions on the market, with most of the (publicly discussed) approaches being very barebones. Sharing a quick prototype model's performance relative to the baselines out there (sentiment analysis on crypto forums plus the same LSTM model every single stock prediction tutorial uses) might attract interest.
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@justnormalkorean Bro, this is a hell of a Christmas present
The libtards have to cope over everyone who does anything being 4chan-adjacent
The righties now know that some random guy following rw ecelebs can just glass some very significant people
What I don't get is why he went after an interchangeable CEO who moves spreadsheets around instead of a judge who personally did some awful thing that would've made the target completely unsympathetic to the public and had more of an impact in the long run.
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@BowsacNoodle Unlikely - I've seen actual girls talking about this.
I mean, I'm sure troons think about it too, but it's not mostly troons.
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@Wormwood @ZRDR_DelRio There are a bunch of nerdy guys from the early internet who got popular when there wasn't a lot of content out there and then, having no IRL social experience, got instantly oneshot by the first groups of people to pose as their "friends".
A lot of them ended up as insufferable centers of gravity in little cliques, or deranged libtards, or troons.
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