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@Shadowbroker2135 @Mamako @graf
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@Mamako @graf you'd get porn
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@grey @Mamako @graf I'd make the whole restaurant Ubel
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@graf I guess it's better than shitty cell phone pictures printed out on an inkjet and hung up in those binder page protectors.
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@grey @graf make a meme restaurant where you can upload your memes to the screens on the walls for the other customers to enjoy.
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@grey There's a restaurant opening near bunny's apartment that has food pictures literally all over the windows and it's all 100% AI generated
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@AmericanChampion @graf Most restaurants do not employ professional photographers. It's entirely likely it's more appealing to have an AI generate a fake good looking image for free rather than spend the time to take a shitty picture in bad lighting which won't be as appealing.
Also lots of photos on the menu gives a certain feel associated with cheap places.
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@grey @graf IDK, man. A restaurant has a photo of every meal they make on the menu, the chef's going to be an old guy/lady who owns the place because cooking is their passion, takes the job seriously, authentic stuff at reasonable prices.
A restaurant has an AI-generated image of a hamburger on the menu, you're getting some yuppie who thought it would be fun/easy to own a restaurant, the chef is whatever illegal was the cheapest, you're getting bargain bin expired beef served on a plank of wood or something at 300 percent markup (including labor). If you're cutting corners on the food you only need to make one time for a photo that will advertise your business to every potential customer, you're definitely cutting corners on the food you need to make every day for one guy at a time.
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@graf @grey It's wild that they won't just photograph their actual food. Maybe normies are a different species, and seeing arbitrary AI-generated slop appeals more to them than pictures of the actual food being sold.