I'm gonna guess he doesn't mean "socialist" in the same way, say, Steven Crowder thinks the Nazis were socialist. I read this as "these ideas and attitudes run contra to the civil society".
I could be wrong, but Chinese "Communism" is not the same as Marxist Communism either, unless you're Steven Crowder or Alex Jones.
@coolboymew@Rasterman Devil's advocate: if you go generation by generation, pretty much every old timer warning new entertainment thing X was corrupting the moral fiber of the youth turned out to be right.
That said, being worried about Pokemon, Harry Potter, and violent video games instead of dialing up race awareness and even more bigotry against fags was unfortunate.
@coolboymew@Rasterman The Christians you speak of were correct to worry about entertainment's influence on their kids. They just picked some dumb targets.
White nerds rolling dice and telling stories were never a problem. Heck, have the kids do that and never watch the idiot box, and they'd instantly turn out a lot better.
The violent video games thing was pretty much Mortal Kombat, then panic over first person shooters after Columbine. To be fair, MK was and is pretty violent. I don't know if it was worth Congressional inquiries, but I could see not wanting that franchise to be marketed to kids. I myself haven't had much interest in the new entries, because there was an absurdism with the gore being rendered with sprites that rendered it tolerable. Seeing it with 4K polygons just becomes distasteful.
Harry Potter always struck me as silly to be worried about. Maybe if the kids were actually using it as an excuse to dabble in Ouija boards, what would be one thing. It was just silly wizardry. A tactical misfire to direct time and effort against it.
If I am being further charitable, the FCC and other Fed agencies had basically outlawed real talk about fags and nogs by that point, so maybe these moral panickers (I'm making that a word) had to settle on other things to worry about.
One could probably write a book about where everything went wrong, but I'd say the short version is the breakdown of family cohesion due to Jewish supported social policies, resulting in the idiot box raising kids, and Jewish propaganda shaping their minds. Simple as.
@sun@cowanon So help me, if CIA spooks told me to say that about my dead daughter or they'd kill me, I'd tell the motherfuckers to pull the goddamned trigger.
Why beat off to porn or watch a camgirl play some game you don't care about when you can make something that can hit the fantasy of a female actually caring about your needs?
@AmericanChampion@Goalkeeper Automation is going to come one way or the other. Need to get rid of immigrants, stop incentivizing companies to offshore, and stop raising costs for small businesses. That's why big corporations don't care if the minimum wage goes up: it kills their small competitors. That's why Amazon and Walmart supported the lockdowns. Automation wouldn't be as big a problem if we weren't simultaneously killing small businesses, who won't adopt it the way the big guys will.
Starter jobs pretty much was the correct argument. But with more small businesses, that waiter has a better chance of being able to own the place later in his career.
@zeke@white_male What's crazy to me is there is literally nothing else out there indicating her current well-being. No follow-up story, no documentary, no nothing. The news story about her living in tunnels was from five years ago.
The Jewish producers are still making click money off her body, and we have no idea what's become of her. Dystopian as all hell.
So, am I to understand this is the post that has killed Vivek's political career, and lead to people discovering his role in typical shady Pajeet shit?
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